I won't fall for an old man

"How long are you going to angry at me?"

SungJin once again ignored by Sarang.

He was really helpless. Who asked her to be so beautiful. Doesn't she know that it was hard for him to control himself to not to eat her.

"If you stop beimg angry at me I'll take you to Hackers arena meeting next week"

That caught Sarang's attention. Hackers arena meeting was held once in three years.

The place fill with Hackers. Most importantly they will invite Mr.Kim Dae In the world famous hacker to give lecture.

Previously Ye Jun has promised JinAe that once he came from overseas he will take her there.

"Really?" Sarang beamed with happiness.

SungJin nodded his head, "Of course". He stroked hair gently made Sarang to pout her lips.

'This guy know how to take advantage of her'

Suddenly she saw a figure coming towards her. Sarang was so shocked that she slapped SungJin's hand away from her head.

SungJin didn't expect her to react that way, "You"

"Who is he?"