Is she alive

"Hey cutie"

Sarang almost jumped from her seat when she heard someone yelling from the kitchen.

Jin Chen rushed out of the kitchen with the plate in his hands. He took a toothpick of dessert which he made specially for Sarang and feed it to her.

"How is it? Do you like the taste?" Jin Chen was waiting for her reply.

Sarang eyes widened in shock when the taste hits her. The sweetness was another level, "Wow, what is it?"

"Do you like it?" Jin Chen fed her another piece. Sarang happily nod her like a kid.

Jin Chen was happy with her reaction, "After our dinner that day, I have guessed you must be fond of sweets. So I prepared this recipe specially for you"

"For me?" Sarang took a toothpick for herself when she was about to put it in her mouth she suddenly felt a cold behind her back.

Sarang turned look at the very angry SungJin.

Ye Jun looked at Sarang who was confused and then SungJin who had a face full of anger.