Damn It. It’s hard to raise a girl.

Manager Yoo was fuming in anger. He just want her to apologize and let the matter aside but by seeing her attitude made him to teach her a lesson.

"Sarang, Don't forget that you are just an Intern" Manager Yoo tried to suppress her with his aura.

Sarang nodded her heed, "I know I'm an Intern"

Manager Yoo was fuming in anger seeing how she was not showing any respect to him. He just forgot that respect should be earn.

"Sarang, enough. Is it wrong for me to ask you to leave my fiancée?" Hye Yeon asked her with tears in her eyes earning the pitiful glance from the onlookers.

Sarang was almost lost her cool. Just what's with the word 'Fiancée?'

It's haunting her for so many months.

"Ms.Park, I don't have any intention to take your fiancée away from you. I just don't understand how can you forget that Mrs.Sung said that she doesn't approve you to be her daughter-in-law?"