Mountain Guard

"Come on. I don't got all day."

Kuba gritted his teeth as he felt a feeling of rage and shame at how he acted before.

' Damnit! Your too cocky'

Kuba stood up while slightly staggering in his steps. Kuba clenched his fists so tightly that his blue veins were visible.

' Let's see if you can handle this. Just because you do a lot of damage doesn't mean your defense is high.'

He launched his punch towards the giant monster's chest as the monster was too tall for Kuba to reach.


*Ding! You attack landed on a player*

* Strength check. Check Successful*

' Ha I knew he couldn't have had a high defense with that kind of damage.'

* Ding! Due to Frighten debuffs you deal less damage.*

* Ding! Due to the special characteristics of the enemy player blunt damage has been reduced.*

' Huh.'

" Was that all you got?"

Kuba heard the monster speak above him with the same disdain he showed before.

The monster lifted its arm as it changed form once again, this time becoming bulky and larger.

The monster's arm grew so much that it had to use some of the mass from the rest of its body to substance its growth.


The monster then swung the massive club-like arm downward to strike kuba. Being too close, he knew that he wouldn't be able to dodge in time so lifted his arms to brace for impact.

* Boom*

* Ding! You have been attacked by the skill Limb Transformation.*

*Ding! Strength Check. Check Fail.*

* The sheer weight of the attack made it so you couldn't stop it.*

*Ding! Bonus club damage dealt.*

The sheer weight of the arm pushed Kuba to his knees while his arms couldn't stop it from slamming into his head.

" F**k. Why are you so strong? You're only level 2!"

The entire training room was silent while Kuba's and Dean's levels were low. The scene of Kuba just getting dominated was just too shocking.

" Do you surrender?"

Dean didn't care for Kuba as he lost interest after that last hit. Not even bothering to answer him just to get this match done.

" I surrender!"

Though Kuba was furious, he wasn't an idiot; he knew that continuing this match was useless. He was already down by 60% of his health in 2 hits while all his attacks were getting weakend.

The crowd hearing Kuba's surrender turned wild with chatter as they discussed the results of the match and whether they made money or lost money.

" Damn why did he quit?! I just lost my lunch money on that guy!"

" I think my perspective of the world just changed because how can such a cute thing become a terrifying monster."

"Hahaha, hell yeah this is what you get from being a believer!"

Some cheered, others sobbed, and more showed confusion, However everyone was enjoying themselves from the nice break that this fight brought them.

As this was going on Dean was organizing the information he collected from the fight with Kuba. Though Dean was cocky and a bit arrogant he wasn't someone to just start random fights without a reason.

Dean had several objectives for fighting kuba, they were to see the levels other players might have reached, how strong they were, and how strong he had gotten.

' If we set this man as the average person then people should be around level 4.'

' It also seems that players will not just gain a skill from leveling and probably only if they meet the requirements for one.'

' The next thing is skills and abilities give an incredible increase in battle prowess. I'm 2 levels below him yet with my abilities Gigantification and Frighten I was able to close the stat gap and Limb Transformation did a high amount of damage.'

' So from this information I need to start grinding as soon as possible and collect abilities first then skills.'

' As for those strange feelings..'

" Hey how about I have a go."

in the middle of Dean's thought a voice rang out from the crowd. The voice came from a giant cyclops that was two meters tall with a mohawk.

Dean seeing someone else challenge him couldn't help but be a bit annoyed with getting interrupted from his train of thought.

" What did you say?"

" I said I will challenge you to a fight. Same rules as the last one."

The cyclops approach the ring and look directly into the crimson eyes of Dean's as he utters 4 words that ticked Dean off.

" What are you Scared?!"

" Fear is not in my vocabulary but you better not cry once I crush you!"

Dean growled at the cyclops's words as he instinctively took a posture that radiated an imposing aura.

Though Dean looked angered he was calmly thinking about the new feelings and information that was coming his way.

' That foreign feeling is coming back again and this time is more aggressive than last time.'

Seeing a new match about to start the crowd once again became bustling as the bets started flying around.

" Hmph, just because you defeated a weakling doesn't make you undefeatable."

" Let me tell you the person who is going to throw your confidence to the ground."

" My name is Prince Saul Plantagenet. "

The cyclops that went by the title prince drew closer to Dean as he took a defensive position with his

" Is he the real prince Saul from the royal family of the kingdom of Giants?"

" No way! Why would the royal family send their prince here?"

" Plus I heard the prince is at least in the 2nd grade of his class. There is no way he would be here and fight a 0 grade demon."

Not caring whether the cyclops in front of him was a real prince or an imposter, Dean got into battle mode.

Not wasting anymore time Dean morphed his arm into the giant club attacking Prince Saul as he prepared his second attack.

Prince Saul on the other hand smirked at the scene as he grabbed the club and gently moved it to the side just enough to miss him.

* Ding! Limb Transformations damage has been neutralized from the defensive skill Mountain Guard.*

" Huh, wait was that the Plantagenet royal family defense skill Mountain Guard."

" It couldn't be that he is the actual Prince Saul from the kingdom of Giants!"

" But why would he be here!"

The crowd exploded as they saw the self proclaimed Prince Saul defending Dean's attack.

The Mountain Guard defense skill is a special skill that is only used by the royals and only blood relatives are allowed to learn it.

"Oh, don't tell that's all you got! If that's the case this is going to be disappointing."

Dean not minding his taunts thought about this being his second time seeing a skill and this one was a defensive type.

Continuing with his attacks, Dean attacked from every angle however each and every time they were blocked and deflected.

Again and Again and Again he changed his patterns, transformed his limbs into different forms, and even used all of his limbs until he heard the notification say something different.

* Ding! Your attack was neutralized.*

* Ding! Your attack was neutralized.*

* Ding! Your attack has been greatly reduced.*

" Oh, It seems that you can't defend everything huh."

Prince Saul no longer had a smile on his face as he took a look at his hand. On it appeared a thin long cut with blood coming flowing out.

The change in attack that caused this small amount of damage was from Dean arms that had transformed into a sharp blade.

" Good job. "

" You keep this up then you might be able to beat me in 60 years."