Of all the types of blood types that exist, there is one that is the rarest. This type of blood group is Rh-null, which is often referred to as "Golden Blood".

According to available data, it turns out that only 43 people in this world have this blood type. The hallmark of Rh-null is the lack of antigens in the Rh system, which is the most extensive blood group system.

AB blood type

When referring to the ABO blood group system, AB- blood type is arguably the rarest. This is because this type of blood type is only owned by 0.36 percent of people worldwide. In terms of transfusion, blood type AB- can give to AB- and AB+, and receive transfusions from AB-, A-, B-, and O-.

· Rh-null

As discussed earlier, the Rh-null blood type is the rarest in the world because, so far, only 43 people have been reported to have this blood type. In addition to its rarity, this blood type, known as "Golden Blood", can be transfused into all kinds of blood types. However, people with Rh-null blood type can only receive blood transfusions of the same blood type.

Blood is considered Rh-null if it lacks 61 possible antigens in the Rh system. Not only does this make it rare, but it also means anyone can accept it. This is what is called a blessing and the reason this type is called golden blood.


Ahmed and Vla breathed a sigh of relief that they had found a donor and Mataya was saved. Likewise with Kazayn and Abby. They are happy because Mataya can survive and will pass her critical period soon.

Vla walked over to Pavlo, who was sitting and worried about Benvolio. She sat next to Pavlo and started the conversation.

"Relax, Mr. Pavlo. Mr. Benvolio won't die because just donating his blood as he said earlier, right?"

Pavlo ignored Vla's words. He didn't even look at Vla one bit.

"Is it always like this you all treat people who have helped you?" he asked then.

Vla furrowed her brows, confused by what Pavlo meant. "Always like this? What do you mean?"

"You just ask the honorable Mr. Ahmed and all your subordinates," Pavlo said, looking at Ahmed then turning to Kazayn and Abby.

Vla turned to Ahmed and found out that Ahmed and the relief team agents misunderstood Benvolio and Pavlo.

Ahmed paid no heed to Pavlo's words and his stares. After all, there were no victims on his part. It was Ahmed's side who had to lose 20 talented agents. Ahmed did not feel that what he had done was wrong. He was only worried about Mataya's safety at that time, so he got too emotional. Likewise, with Kazayn, who still clenched his jaw and stood up straight without feeling guilty.

Vla, who saw their nonchalant attitude, understood and realized Pavlo's feelings and why he did not accept Benvolio donating his blood to Mataya.

"Very well, I am Pavla Canossa. On behalf of Mataya, Ahmed and the agents, also myself, we apologize profusely for our arbitrary treatment without hearing an explanation from both of you first. I hope with this apology there will be no more the grudge that remains between us all," said Vla very politely to Pavlo and sincerely apologized to Pavlo's side.

Vla lowered her ego and prestige to apologize to Pavlo and Benvolio.

Pavlo sighed. He started to be soft again. After all, that was also Benvolio's decision. He then took the smartphone in his pocket and turned on the smartphone because he had previously turned off his smartphone. He was surprised to see many missed calls from Callista.

He immediately called Callista back. But now, he is the one who can't contact Callista's smartphone.

He wanted to try to contact Biserka, but he didn't know the girl's phone number. As long as they lived together in Biserka's apartment, they had not had time to exchange contact with each other. "Ah, what a fool you are, Pavlo!" he muttered.

Vla noticed the panicked look on Pavlo's face, "What's wrong? Do you need help?"

Pavlo turned to him. He thought for a moment whether he should ask Vla for Biserka's number or not. But if he asked Biserka's number, it would surely raise all sorts of questions from all of them.

Pavlo was frustrated, not knowing what to do. Even a calm Pavlo could feel mess when faced with a situation like this.

Pavlo then shook his head at Vla. "It's okay. I don't need anything right now."

Vla nodded in understanding and didn't bother Pavlo anymore with her question. And while waiting for Benvolio to finish donating blood to Mataya, Vla opened her smartphone to review the progress of the case she and Mataya are working on in Indonesia.

-to be continued-