The grandmother smiled happily to see Benvolio, who knew how to be polite to elders with Indonesian culture. The grandmother then gently stroked Benvolio's head, who was shaking hands with her. "You know Indonesian culture too, son?" the grandmother asked Benvolio.

Benvolio was a little clumsy and confused about the answer because he didn't know anything other than kissing hands elder people. "Maybe ... just a little of it, Grandma. Because this country is where I was born," answered Bevolio gently and politely to grandmother.

The grandmother nodded in understanding and continued to ask Benvolio with great enthusiasm. She was no longer crying now. "Are you Xavier and Ellen's son?" she asked and was right on target.

Benvolio nodded slowly, "That's right, Grandma. Mr. Xavier is my adoptive father, and so is Mrs. Ellen. Before she became my adoptive mother, she was my aunt, Grandma. Does Grandma know my adoptive parents?"