"What's the latest info?" replied Benvolio.

"Of course what you're hunting. 'Monster's lair', what else is it?" Callista explained to Benvolio.

"Then tell me later after you validate the truth. I don't want to hear any uncertain information." Benvolio immediately ended the video call without saying goodbye to Callista. It has become a trademark of Benvolio, it seems, just turning off the phone when the other person hasn't finished talking to him.

"Dannazione! Come osi spegnere questa chiamata quando non ho finito di parlare! (You bastard! How dare you turn this call off when I'm not done talking)!" Callista muttered under her breath while cursing at her brother.


Karren seemed to enjoy the atmosphere at Benvolio's residence, which was so peaceful without a woman named Callista. However, she also felt lonely because Benvolio went back and left the magnificent residence that was the headquarters of his mafia.