Episode 8

Next morning came with the sun shining in the sky. Sophie stirred in Jace's arm. She slowly opened her eyes. Taking in her environment, she looked beside her the most handsome man was sleeping coiling his arms around her .

He was holding her close to his body as he didn't want to let her go. His grip was so possessive as he wanted to keep her close to him always. His body and his closeness raised so many unknown sensation and tingles in her body . She had slept before with him in the same bed. But today this was different. They were different. They crossed all the boundaries and now no turning back for them.

Reality came to hit her senses. Her brain rewinds the memory of last night. How she begged him to take her.....

She cursed silently inside her brain feeling so embarrassed....

How'd she be able to look into his eyes... Shit.... How'd she even come to face him? That devilishly handsome man made love to her last night was her best friend.

She remembered how he saved her from bullies at a party in their college. She was just a freshman. Some students were bullying her and he came like her knight in shining armor and saved her. It was the beginning of their friendship. They found their connection instantly and he became an important part of her life.

Last night was not an exception. He saved her again but this time was different. Now who was going to save her from falling for him.

She knew that he was the most desirable bachelor. She didn't have any chance that he'd fall for her. Last night was only one night stand for him. He never had a serious relationship. Of Course he had a girlfriend who was stunningly gorgeous with a body like a supermodel. But it 'd last until he got bored.

She knew him so well. He could never be interested in a simple girl like her. Last night was a mistake. A big mistake.

Oh God. What would she do now. She lost her virginity to her best friend . She thought of giving it to whom she would love in future .

But her destiny wanted something else and she had to loose her virginity in her drunken state. If she was any other girl , she would be dancing in joy after losing her virginity to the city's hottest and most handsome bachelor.

She couldn't do anything to reverse the loss. She lost ked at his handsome face . his hair was messy and a stupid smile was on his lips. He was sleeping so peacefully.

She felt her heart skip a beat at his smile. But she knew that this wasn't anything serious for him. He was used to have this kind of one night stand.

She'd made up her mind . She was strong to bear this rejection. She sighed silently and started getting off his bed. slowly removing his arm off her body.

Jace tightened his grip around her, "Where do you think , you are going beautiful ? " She froze . '' Let's sleep for some more time . '' Jace not willing to lose his grip.

" Umn... Jace .... I...n.. need to pee...umm ... You know. . " Sophie said shyly.

Jace loosen his arm around her . She tried to get up . " Ahh ...." She cried about to fall unable to stand .

Jace suddenly jumped to her side " What happened baby? Are you okay ? ".

" I .. I ... am... " Sophie stuttered .

But Jace cut in

" Sore ... "

Jace smiled, rubbing back of his neck.

" I am sorry .... I tried to be as gentle as I could be ... I knew it was your first time. " Jace said, rubbing his nape with his right hand, " Did I ... Did I hurt you?"

" Umm .. No Jace. I am just too sore this morning. "

" Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom? "

Without waiting for her response he picked her up in bridal style and went to the bathroom . Sophie was feeling awkward as she was butt naked carried in his arms.

When he put her down and went outside , she closed the bathroom door instantly and sighed leaning against it.

After finishing morning business and having a quick shower, she came out wearing a white fluffy robe she found in the bathroom.

She came down the hall . Jace was standing in the kitchen making eggs and bacon .

Her stomach grumbled by the smell of delicious breakfast . She sat on a dining chair . Jace turned to see her .

" Morning again ..... " He said with a mischievous smile.

She was looking so pretty sitting there with wet hair and in his white robe .

She was too ashamed that she was looking everywhere but him .

Jace sensed the awkwardness spread there .

" Do you regret .... What happened ... between us ? " Jace said, worrying on his bottom lip .

" N...no Jace? In Fact I should thank you for coming there and ..... rescue me." Sophie said with uncertainty.

" So what's the matter, Sophie ? Why are you behaving like you did something ..... wrong ? Jace asked softly staring into her blue eyes.

" I was thinking ..." Sophie took her bottom lip between her teeth.

" What Sophie..." Jace asked again.

"What are we now Jace?" She was scared to find the answer.

Jace took a moment to think " We... are friends ? "

". .... with benefits ? " She thinks loudly .

Jace chuckled softly " Ummm..... can say . But I want you to know one thing that I am always there for you whenever you need me and I am not going anywhere baby girl. So stop worrying. " Jace said taking her hand in his .

Sophie sighed with relief " Thank you Jace for being there for me always. "

"Always, baby girl ." Jace assured her.

She shut her heart off for him. She couldn't afford a heartbreak and knowing he is a big heartbreaker , she 'd prefer being friend rather than his lover.

But she didn't know Jace was feeling different. He was not willing to let her go even though the cost would be his heart.

He will do everything in his power to make her fall for him...

He smiled with this thought. "Come. Let's eat, beautiful... you must be hungry ."

" Yeah.. I am ." She said.

" After breakfast will you mind coming with me for family lunch? " Jace asked her.

" Jace, you know how much I love to come with you to your family lunch. Of course I' ll come . " Sophie said with a soft smile. and Jace' s heart fluttered to see her charming smile.

They ate silently and after half an hour left for Jace's family house . They stopped at Sophie's dorm . Sophie was wearing a dress from last night and she needed to change. Then again they started for family lunch .

Both are feeling different inside but masking their feelings to keep their friendship intact .....



Hello my lovely readers .... Another chapter is finished. I hope you are liking this story so far. Please write in comment box to let me know your views . And please vote

See you soon.