The Parting of The Black Queen

Sung Hoon and Ra Mu were staring at the queen. Each had a different look on their face. Sung Hoon was angry, while Ra Mu was confused. Ra Mu had no idea what he should do next. He was asked just to do an examination.

He wasn't sure if it was his place to comment on the queen's actions. He looked at Sung Hoon's angry face and wondered what he should do now. He wanted to leave but he lost his chance a few seconds later by Sung Hoon's words.

"Do you hate Intersex that much, that you throw away you're only son? The king had been working hard to include all minorities in this kingdom! Lee Ra Mu nim, you know all about it." Sung Hoon looked at him. Ra Mu blinked wondering what to do.

"Tell the queen what the king wanted to do for Sung Hoon." Ra Mu sat up straighter. "The late king wanted to bring Sung Joon to the palace as Grand Prince. [Grand prince, the son of the king and queen consort, not entitled to be crown prince.] 

The queen's face looked disdained. "Why should he be Grand Prince! He should be king." Ra Mu narrowed his eyes. "You know that is not possible. If it wasn't for the king you and your son would be exiled to some far off place."

The queen wanted to refute but Ra Mu stopped her with his hand. "When the court found out about you giving birth, they all assumed that you cheated. He had to tell the court about you being Intersex. He made me make up a story about you storing his seed." 

The queen's mouth dropped. "Y... You're... Everybody knew?!" Ra Mu nodded. "The Inner Court, yes." The queen turned pale. "The king begged the ministers and the Queen Dowager to keep it a secret." The queen didn't know what to say.

Sung Hoon shook his head. "You've made many mistakes and you've been forgiven over and over again but throwing away your own son because he really is..." Sung Hoon didn't finish his words. He wanted the queen see that she was in the wrong.

The queen gave him a cold stare. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a son." Sung Hoon shook his head. He was done with the queen. He didn't waste his time making her see reason. He had better things to do.

"Tomorrow, the ministers will tell you what will happen to you. I'll be introducing Sung Joon to the court also." The queen was startled. "He... You can't!" Sung Hoon interrupted. "Everything has already been decided. I'm giving you a notice."

Sung Hoon stood up. Ra Mu hurriedly stood up with him. The two left the confused queen behind. "Are you really going to introduce Sung Joon as the Grand Prince?" Ra Mu glanced at Sung Joon. Sung Hoon nodded. "That was what father wanted."

Ra Mu gave him a proud smile. "I'm glad that you'll fulfil this. That was one of his biggest worries before he left us." Sung Hoon looked around and saw Sung Joon and Jinwoon sitting on a rock nearby. "Lord Lee Ra Mu nim, thank you for your help. I hope to see you tomorrow." 

Ra Mu bowed before walking away. Sung Hoon slowly walked to Sung Joon and Jinwoon. He could see Sung Joon's red eyes. "Are you alright?" Sung Hoon gave him a small smile. Sung Joon raised his head. "I'm fine. I won't die." 

Sung Hoon rolled his eyes. "Alright then. Tomorrow I'll be introducing you as the Grand Prince and your mother will hear her punishment." Sung Joon froze before shaking his head. "That's not a good idea. Me and mot... the queen has already caused you enough trouble.

Sung Hoon scoffed. "Has that finally dawned on you? It was Father's plan all along. I'm just fulfilling his last wish." Sung Joon's head dropped. He felt sad and happy at the same time. "If... If that is what he wanted I don't mind." Jinwoon rubbed his back.

"A little late, but welcome to the family." Sung Hoon reached out. Sung Joon stared at his hand for a few seconds before grabbing it. "Thanks... Brother." Sung Hoon gave him a big smile. "Not a problem, Little Brother. Let's go home. I'm hungry."

The next day, they left for the throne room. When they arrived the whole Inner Court was waiting for them. Ki Ha, Young and Ra Mu were also standing to the side. Sung Hoon, Jinwoon and Sung Joon walked towards the throne. There were three chairs placed in front of the throne.

Sung Hoon had decided that he would sit on the throne after he was crowned. After they sat down, the queen was led in. She was forced to kneel in front of them. The lead minister, Baek Hee Sung stood next to the queen. He didn't look at her but faced Sung Hoon and the other.

He took out a scroll from his robes and started to read it out loud. "For her crimes against the Kingdom, Crown prince and Crown princes. Shin Yoon Ah, the former queen has from today on be demoted to commoner." Baek Hee Sung moved back.

"As the future King, I have no objections." The former queen, Shin Yoon Ah glared at Sung Hoon. "You'll be sent to Jeonan at the border." Sung Hoon signaled the guards to take Yoon Ah with them. She didn't struggle and left without a word. 

'She better not do anything stupid.' Sung Hoon had trouble with Yoon Ah's lack of reaction. He left out a deep breath. He stood up. "I would now like to fulfill one of my late father's decree." He turned to Sung Joon. "I like to introduce Sung Joon." 

The ministers stared at Sung Joon with stone faces. "From today onward he will be known as Grand Prince." The ministers bowed to Sung Joon. Sung Joon turned red. He had no idea what the ministers were thinking. He bowed back not knowing what to do.

When he looked back he saw that most had a small smile on their face. He turned to Sung Hoon with confusion. Sung Hoon gave him a smile and motioned him to sit back down. "Elder Young has decided on a new date." Sung Hoon let Young explain the rest. 

Three hours later Sung Hoon and the others could finally leave. Sung Hoon and Jinwoon's wedding and the crowning will be held in fourteen days. "We need to ask the tailor to make new clothes for you and Sung Joon." Sung Hoon scratched his head. 

Jinwoon shook his head. "All we need to do is wash it." Elder Young and Sung Hoon shook their heads. "It brought back luck. It's not smart to wear it again." Jinwoon wanted to laugh at their superstition. "Alright but I want the same outfit." Sung Hoon agreed.

The fourteen days flew by. Since everything was already fixed, it didn't take long before the preparation was finished. Sung Joon, after seeing Jinwoon's outfit, decided on the same but his would be in Lavender color. 

Da Son was the only girl of the selection, who hadn't left. She had decided that she didn't want to go back to her country. Her father told her that if she hadn't found a mate after a year, she had to go back. She wanted to ask Ki Ha for help but he was away on an assignment.

After asking and hearing her problem, Sung Hoon had told her that Ki Ha was a perfect candidate. Da Son was hesitant but Sung Hoon told her that he would help her to get her man. Jinwoon and Sung Joon had been listening while feeling sorry for Ki Ha. 

The day before the wedding and crowning, Ki Ha returned with Beom Seok, his wife, Jae Jin and Do Hun. Jinwoon was pleasantly surprised by this. Jae Jin and Do Hun glared at Sung Hoon but kept their mouths shut. 

Beom Seok introduced his wife, Soo Mi. Soo Mi was a sweet small woman with rosy cheeks. "Beom Seok and the boys have told me all about you. Do Hun and Jae Jin were very shocked when they heard that you were going to get married." 

Beom Seok scoffed. "Shocked is a nice way to say it." Jinwoon and Soo Mi laughed at his words. Jae Jin and Do Hun were enraged. When Ki Ha came to invite them to the palace they were happy but when they heard that it was for Jinwoon's wedding.

Beom Seok had to stop them from jumping Ki Ha. Beom Seok was confused since Jinwoon had never indicated that he liked the boys more than just friends. Beom Seok was wondering where the two boys got the idea that Jinwoon fancied them.

"You'll stay for a few days?" Jinwoon looked at Beom Seok with expectation. Beom Seok rubbed his head. "The future King asked us to stay a week. We are also planning to see our daughter and grandson." Jinwoon couldn't help but smile bigger.

It felt like his parents were here for his big day. He and Soo Min hit off like they were mother and son. Beom Seok and Sung Hoon stared at the two while they were talking and laughing. "If you hurt him. I'll come and kill you. King or not." Beom Seok turned to Sung Hoon.
