Master Nine Was Frustrated

In the presidential suite on the top floor of the Empire Hotel in the largest hotel in a luxurious city, the man sitting at the study desk had one hand on the laptop in front of him and the other holding the phone to his ear. The man was wearing a white shirt with half of his sleeves rolled up. Two of the buttons on his collar had been undone. He had sharp eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes. His face was handsome and cold, and he exuded a strong sense of attractiveness.

There was a strange expression on his face, as if there was a hint of surprise and an undetectable joy.

Who would have thought that this man had a cold gaze just a mere second ago? He looked very angry and a little anxious.

Upon hearing the young lady's words over the phone, Yin Jiujin was indeed a little stunned. However, he was quickly affected by her bell-like laughter. He couldn't help but imagine the young lady smiling sweetly.

Yes, she must have looked silly.