Unknown Fear

Yin Jiujin…

She actually dared to call Master Nine by his name! Even in the capital, not many people dared to call Master Nine by his full name!

Facing such a Yan Jinyu, Qiu Jian felt an inexplicable fear, especially when she met Yan Jinyu's smiling but clear eyes.

Not only Qiu Jian, everyone present, including Feng Yuan, was shocked by Yan Jinyu calling Yin Jiujin by his name.

Luo Yikun's eyes flickered. Was Yan Jinyu fearless because she was ignorant? Or was she always so bold? Or did Master Nine not mind her calling him by his name?

If it was the first two, his earlier plan was obviously feasible and wouldn't take him too long. A person who was too innocent and didn't know what fear was, was far from being a match for a rich young lady like Qiu Jian. If it was the latter, then it was best to cancel his plan just now. He didn't have the ability to snatch someone from Master Nine.

However, he was unwilling to let such a rare beauty go.