The Boss Behind The Scene

There were many illegal areas in the underground racing arena so they could not call for an ambulance openly. Hence, the underground racing arena was equipped with specialized vehicles to send the injured participants to the hospital.

If it was any other day, the ambulance would have arrived long ago after such a huge accident. She did not know why it was especially late today.

Luo Yikun and the others also didn't know why the ambulance was late, but Yan Jinyu knew. Or rather, Yan Jinyu had a guess.

At a certain moment, Yan Jinyu, who was sitting in the car, raised her head and looked through the car window at the window of a building that was covered by curtains not far away. Her gaze was sharp, and her expression was cold.

Yan Jinyun, who happened to see her expression, couldn't help but feel puzzled. "What's wrong?" She looked out of the car window and saw nothing except the cliff beside the racetrack and the building in the distance.