Going Down A Dead End

Yin Jiujin, who had knocked open the door, saw pitch-black darkness. Fortunately, he had been trained and quickly adapted to the dark environment in front of him. With the faint moonlight, he saw that there was no one on the bed. The bathroom door was open, and there was no one inside.

In the dark environment, Yin Jiujin's expression couldn't be seen clearly. However, from the fact that he wanted to turn on the lights in the room but couldn't turn them on after pressing the switch three times, it was obvious that he was panicking.

The lights were switched on, and the sudden strong light made Yan Jinyu instinctively raise her hand to cover her eyes.

Through the pink curtains, she could see Yin Jiujin standing by the door, but Yin Jiujin couldn't see her.

The panic on Yin Jiujin's face and the hysteria in his eyes fell into her eyes.

At that moment, her eyes were still unable to open because of the sudden light.