Meeting With Jinyun

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Jinyu finally left Mount Jing today. However, she wasn't with Yin Jiujin. Instead, shortly after Yin Jiujin left for the company, she got Uncle Cheng to send someone to drive her down the mountain.

Yan Jinyun called her to meet up.

In the cold drink shop, "Summer Time".

Yan Jinyun was already waiting when Yan Jinyu arrived.

Instead of sitting in the private room, she casually chose a seat by the window.

Yan Jinyun was a cold beauty to begin with. Now that she was sitting here alone and in a more conspicuous position, it was inevitable that the customers in the cold drink shop would instinctively look at her. Of course, there would be people who wanted to hit on her, but Yan Jinyun was too cold and had an aura. In the end, the people who wanted to hit on her only had the intention but didn't have the courage to do so.

However, they kept looking at her from time to time.