The Two Sauve People

Usually, for people who were infatuated with someone until they were insane, he would do whatever the other party told him to do no matter how dangerous it was.

Yan Jinyu sized her up quietly. No one noticed, including Huo Siyu.

"Mm-hm." Compared to Huo Siyu, Yan Jinyu wasn't someone who would be warm to others.

She simply followed Huo Siyu past these people and walked into the ski park. She had no intention of paying them any attention.

As for Cao Ming…

Oh, she didn't take him seriously at all.

Seeing the two of them walk into the entrance of the ski park, Xiang Qing and Xiang Jie looked at Huo Sisi suspiciously.

"Sisi, Huo Si… What does Second Miss Huo mean? What do you mean by using us? Don't tell me you didn't tell us Miss Yan's identity on purpose? You know that my brother has always liked beautiful women and will target beautiful girls when he sees them, but you didn't tell us her identity…"