Enemies and Friends

Huo Xuan held his handkerchief and coughed softly. He looked past Yin Jiujin and at Yan Jinyu, "I came uninvited. Sorry for disturbing you."

Huo Siyu also said, "My brother sent me here." She did not intend to let her brother follow her. After all, she did not want her brother to have any thoughts about Beauty Yu. Of course, the less he interacted with her, the better.

However, her brother did not go to the company for the entire day. He was just settling work in the study room. When she was about to leave, he suggested sending her there.

In the end, she could only let him send her.

She did not know why her brother did that.

Was he simply here to accompany her? Or did he want to see Beauty Yu?

Not to mention that Huo Siyu didn't know the purpose of Huo Xuan following them, even Huo Xuan himself might not know it.

At that moment, he simply wanted to come over. He really wanted to, so he did.