Traditional Chinese Medicine Attainment

"You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and you're the one I cherish. I won't let you suffer any grievances. Not even the grievances I give you," Yin Jiujin said seriously.

In reality, not wanting her to suffer was only one of the reasons.

The other reason was naturally…

She was already his. Of course, he wanted her to be his officially!

The meaning of a betrothal was completely different from a real engagement.

The young lady would finally be his real fiancée after they got engaged. She would be his everywhere she goes!

In that case, he wouldn't have to worry about anyone having designs on her.

Yuan Xi? Huo Xuan? Did they have the face to ruin someone else's relationship as a third party?

This way, even if the young lady left him alone at home for half a month, he would not be as worried about her being targeted as before.