Master Nine Is Here

After Yan Jinyu asked this, Xi Fengling slowly controlled the shock that she had felt when she heard Yan Jinyu's guess. She said, "I've been paying attention to the surveillance video over there. At first, there was nothing unusual. However, when the car drove into the main road, the car swayed, as if it had hit something. Then, the screen darkened."

"Min Rufeng and I personally installed the camera, and it's a modified pinhole camera. It's not easy to find it."

"Beauty Yu, do you think it's a coincidence? Did they really hit something and it hit the camera and even damaged it?"

"It's not impossible," Yan Jinyu said.

After all, the subsequent scenes could no longer be seen. The exact situation over there was also unknown.

"However, the chances of this happening are actually very small. Since Min Sisi is driving the car, I don't think her driving skills are that bad."