The Min Family's Banquet

The birthday party was held at the Min Family's mansion.

No matter what, it was a birthday party that the Second Master of the Min Family had held after so many years. Be it because of the Min Family's status in the capital, Min Xiangbei, or Min Xiangbei's son, Min Ting, there were many people who came to support them.

Of course, there were also many people who were purely here to watch a good show.

The Min Family had caused quite a commotion recently. Even the head of the Min Family, Min Guili, had been requested to stay at home. Although he was still the hospital director of the Imperial Capital Hospital in name, anyone with a little judgment could tell that his power had been taken away.

While many onlookers were waiting for the aftermath of the Min Family's internal conflict, the Min Family actually held a banquet and let them have a chance to watch nearby. Who would want to miss it?