The Resort

Two hours later, they arrived at the resort in the west of the city.

They got out of the bus one after another and took their room cards. They put their luggage in their rooms before coming out to gather.

The rooms had been arranged long ago. The people who divided the rooms were the form teachers of the various classes.

Yan Jinyu and Tan Shiyun were in the same room.

Although it was only a standard room, the environment was not bad. After all, it was a resort farm chosen by an elite school. The facilities were complete and the environment was elegant.

There was a small balcony.

Yan Jinyu took out a clean four-piece bedding set from her luggage and changed the blanket's cover. This was a habit she had developed after being influenced by Yin Jiujin during the time she was with him.

In the past, she wouldn't have had the mood to do that.