The Mysterious Expert

Yan Jinyu waved her left hand, and the golden thread as thin as hair flew out from her wristwatch, shattering the bullet!

Not only was Lind Jones not discouraged by her blocking the bullet, but he also looked excited.

He couldn't bear to kill her even more!

With a wave of his hand, a few figures leaped out from both sides of the corridor. Without any hesitation, they fired at Yan Jinyu at the same time.

Yuan Xi was shocked to see this.

Just as Yan Jinyu successfully avoided the bullet and fired at the other side to get rid of the two people, the golden thread in her left hand attacked Lind Jones at the same time. Yuan Xi hurriedly took out his gun to help get rid of the two people on the other side of the stairs.

However, there were still very skilled people who avoided his bullets.

Not only these people, but some other people also jumped out of the windows!

Their target was Yan Jinyu!