Let's See Who Dies First

"Beauty Yu!" She waved at Yan Jinyu from afar.

Yan Jinyu was already very conspicuous, and Xi Fengling's looks made women feel inferior. Hence, this attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Feng Qin instinctively lowered the brim of her hat.

Sister Fengling… Oh, she was probably her biological sister.

Her personality was really unexpected. That day, when they met in the capital, she didn't think that Sister Fengling had such a big and flamboyant personality.

Perhaps she was too excited to notice that when she met her that day.

"Meimei, you're really as charming as ever," Yan Jinyu teased.

Xi Fengling then realized that Feng Qin was looking around nervously. She apologized, "I'm sorry. I was too excited to see you guys and forgot about your identity."