Waiting For A Dogfight

"Are you very curious how I know? I know many things. For example, I also know that you're not the only child Liu Guang has."

Seeing that Min Sisi didn't seem to be very shocked by this, Yan Jinyu raised her eyes slightly, "Of course, Liu Guang doesn't just have you and Liu Yu."

Indeed, she was right. Liu Yu had never hidden the fact that Liu Yu was Liu Guang's son. Min Sisi knew that, but she didn't seem to know that other than her and Liu Yu, Liu Guang had other children.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Min Sisi didn't even intend to admit that Liu Guang was her biological father.

Because, the name "Liu Guang" was mentioned in the recording she handed to Min Rufeng.

Liu Guang was the culprit who harmed Old Master Min back then!

If she admitted that Liu Guang was her father, she would really be finished.

Min Sisi knew that very well.

"What Liu Guang? What Liu Yu? I don't know them at all!"