A Dramatic Confession

Zhao Linlin was also very shocked. She was originally immersed in the excitement of getting to read her idol's medical books when she saw someone suddenly walk over and confess to Yan Jinyu.

She admitted that Jinyu was very beautiful…

No, beautiful was not enough to describe her.

She had never seen anyone who was more beautiful and elegant than Jinyu in her life.

It was normal for someone to confess to her in school with her looks and temperament, but… for some reason, she felt that it was a little strange.

Sometimes, she felt that Jinyu wasn't from the same world as them. As for Jinyu's other half, she had never thought he would be from one of her male schoolmates in school.

Even though she didn't know why she felt that Jinyu wasn't from the same world as them.

She knew that Jinyu had a fiancé. Jinyu had said that on the first day of school.