That Person Is Awake

Xu Gui was stunned, "If you didn't say it, I wouldn't have realized it. If Eldest Miss Yan doesn't have a boyfriend and she rejects a guy who seems to be of good quality, she would probably be scolded to death by the guy's admirers. Just now, there were so many people at the side who encouraged Eldest Miss Yan to agree. This feels like he's forcing Eldest Miss Yan to agree!"

The boy's face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

"Eldest Miss Yan rejected him so seriously just now. Can't you tell?"

"Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Do you know how smart Eldest Miss Yan is? She can tell his intentions and yet she still rejects him seriously. It's only because she's… kind."

Yes, kind.

Before this, Luo Yikun didn't believe that Yan Jinyu, the number one killer, still had the quality of "kindness".

Most importantly, Master Nine actually didn't pursue the matter either.