Sneaking In

Yin Xiaoxiao actually discovered her before Hei Yao did. This surprised Yan Jinyu. Yin Xiaoxiao's actions were fast, ruthless, and accurate. She strangled a person's neck and cut off her breathing straight away. This made Yan Jinyu even more surprised.

She didn't know Yin Xiaoxiao's current situation well. The only time she had interacted with Yin Xiaoxiao was when Feng Yun asked to contact Yin Xiaoxiao first in the Feng Family and Liu Guang video-called her.

At that time, Yin Xiaoxiao was in a daze. She didn't even know Feng Yun.

Even when she recognized Hei Yao later, she gave people a very gentle image.

Who would have thought that she had such a ruthless side?

As she thought about it, Yan Jinyu's gaze swept past Hei Yao's face and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao. She smiled faintly, "Hello, Auntie Yin. I'm Yan Jinyu."

"You might not know the name Yan Jinyu. I have been betrothed to Yin Jiujin since we were young…"