A Clown

The skinny monkey trembled in fear. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You don't know?" Yan Jinyu exerted more force on her leg, making the skinny student feel like his bones were being crushed.


It was a scream that made one's scalp tingle.

"Since you don't know, what's the point of keeping you alive?" She raised her left hand gently and looked down at him. "I only need one move to send you to meet the King of Hell."

Her tone was calm and there was a faint smile on her face.

She looked harmless, but it was actually very frightening.

The skinny student knew that she was not joking. She would really kill him!

Among the group of people who had fallen to the ground just now, he dared to say that not many were still alive.

He didn't want to die yet!

"I'll talk! I'll talk! But you have to promise that you'll let me go after I say it!" Holding back the pain of his bones being crushed, the skinny monkey shouted.