The King Of Jealousy

Zhao Linlin's house only had one washroom. There were so many people, so washing up was a huge affair. They had to line up.

Yan Jinyu took the medical books from Zhao Qian. After thanking him, she returned to the guest room and prepared to wash up later after everyone had washed up.

Just as she took the medical book and walked out of the living room to return to the guest room, her phone in her pocket rang.

She took it out and saw that it was Yin Jiujin's number.

However, she wasn't in a hurry to return to the guest room immediately. She sat down on a stone stool in the courtyard and sprayed Min Rufeng's special medicine on her body. She didn't have to worry that she would be bitten by insects if she sat in the courtyard at night.

"Brother Nine."

She placed the medical books on her lap, placed one hand on the books, and placed the phone beside her ear with the other.

Her eyes curved and her smile was faint.