Xiwu Main City was swarmed with people, a veritable sea of heads. Gu Xia almost couldn't find herself; it seemed everyone was here to participate in the national wars.
"Qingxue is here, everyone, look!"
Someone shouted, and the players immediately surrounded Gu Xia, making it impossible for her to get through.
"Qingxue, whose side will you be on this time in the national war? You are one of us in Xiwu; surely, you won't secretly collude with the Evil Spirit to betray us, right?" someone asked.
"Come on, am I that kind of person?" Gu Xia rolled her eyes.
"Then why don't you just go ahead and kill Dongwu's Commander Yue Yin first to prove it to us?" someone shamelessly yelled out.
Gu Xia immediately scowled. Did these idiots really take her for a fool?
Yue Yin was now her apprentice. Not to mention she couldn't kill her apprentice, was she even a match for the Evil Spirit?
Besides, could she even kill Yue Yin?