National Escape Program

New York, USA.

It was a summer night in the Presbyterian Hospital Morgue.

Peter was dressed in his doctor's coat as he climbed into the hearse to frantically 'rescue' a corpse. 

As a doctor, he knows that a corpse can't come back to life.

Dr. Peter was hoping for a miracle, whereby a dead person would miraculously come back to life.

Just as Peter was performing CPR on the corpse, not too far away from where he was crouching a 'robotic mouse' looking his way.

The mouse's eyes were red in color, they were constantly adjusting their angle to get a good look at Peter.

"Director Johnson, look at the robotic mouse's monitor. The camera lenses are normal, and the transmission data is smooth. Most important, the image is clear."

"Not bad, this Dr. Peter is very suitable for our escape show. It's got to be him."

"But, why is Dr. Peter saving a... corpse?"

"Director Johnson, the corpse is Professor Cole, he was Dr. Peter's teacher. Professor Cole had an accident in the operation room but he forced Dr. Peter to take the fall as the scapegoat. Dr. Peter was furious, he argued and shoved his mentor with his hand. All of a sudden, Professor Cole had a heart attack..."

"So after Professor Cole fell to the ground, he had a heart attack and died from it!"

"Yes, Director. Our program team sent a robotic animal to film the entire process from the dark. After Peter realized that something went awfully wrong, he immediately tried saving Professor Cole... All the way until he pushed Professor Cole's body into the morgue."

"This Dr. Peter must have been scared out of his wits for him to do such a ridiculous thing to save the body."

"At least we've finally confirmed the candidate. It's not easy to choose one out of hundreds of candidates."

"Director Johnson, when will the police arrive to arrest Doctor Peter?"

"There are still more than ten minutes left." The director of the escape program team, James, finished his sentence. Then he loudly proclaimed, "Attention all members of the escape program team. The police will arrive at the Presbyterian Hospital in around ten minutes and begin to arrest Peter. You must ensure that the filming equipment is working properly, especially the various robotic animals. Their bodies are all made of high-precision equipment, so there must not be any problems.

"In addition, during the process of Peter's escape, there will always be a robotic animal tracking him for a live broadcast to occur. You must be careful not to expose yourself. You must not let Peter find out that he is the fugitive chosen by the fugitive program team."

"Director, what if Peter sees the fugitive live broadcast when he is on the run?"

"Hehe! Don't worry about that. Peter will not be able to see the fugitive live broadcast while he is on the run.".

At the National Escape Program Hall in the New York News Center, Director Johnson was nervously checking whether each of the teams was functioning properly.

After all, this was his first time directing the largest variety show in the United States.

National Escape Program!

The Escape Program team had passed a secret audition a month ago and selected 300 candidates for the program.

Some of the candidates were businessmen, some were company employees, and some were doctors.

All of the candidates had one thing in common.

They had no attachments, meaning no family or complex social relationships.

Besides going to work, they spent most of their time alone at home.

They had few friends, their parents were long dead, or their relationship with their parents was subliminal.

They were the kind of people who died at home and their bodies wouldn't be found until their neighbors reported the smell of their corpses.

There are a lot of them out there.

They live alone in high-rise cities and can not blend in with the hustle and bustle.

They only trust themselves, and they are on their own.

The escape program selected 10 of the 300 isolated candidates to become 'fugitives' in their show and experience the hardships of escape.

Do you see!?

National Escape Program will allow you to witness what the true meaning of 'escape' means.

10 fugitives in total were selected into the exclusive Escape Program, they were not told of their participation and are clueless about their predicament due to Director Johnson's strict orders to keep them in the dark for a genuine show of fear and will to escape.

The people who were inducted into this program have real fears and are forced to flee from authorities and the general public because they have all accidentally broken the law in some way. 

They had no idea that their escape from authorities was being broadcast to live national television, which was the most alluring part of the National Escape Program.

Of course, the audience was also attracted to the huge amount of money that was involved.

The Escape Program was announced at the start of the broadcast, which clearly stated the following.

There are 10 'fugitives' who are participating in the Escape Program.

For a successful escape of one day, there is a reward of 10,000 dollars.

For a successful escape of two days, there is a reward of 50,000 dollars.

For a successful escape of three days, there is a reward of 100,000 dollars.

For a successful escape of four days, there is a reward of 200,000 dollars.

For a successful escape of five days, there is a reward of 300,000 dollars.

For each day of successful escape after the first five days, the reward will be increased by 1 million dollars.

If the fugitive manages to evade capture for 30 days, the total reward would be 25.66 million dollars.

The longer a fugitive successfully escapes, the greater the reward.

The amount of money hikes up to a scary amount as the days go on.

However, such a large sum of money is hard to come by.

Thus, the Escape Program has 30 of the best men from the police to form an elite task force, they are called the Fugitive Pursuit Team. 

The 30 elites were then divided into groups of three and each group is responsible for the capture of one fugitive. 

The purpose of this program was to warn the general public not to break the law through the showing of the fugitive's life after breaking the law.

Usually showing the fugitive evading the police at all times, having no food, and thinking of ways to survive the night. They have to sleep on the road, under bridges, and sometimes even in the wilderness. Constant vigilance is a must to hide from the law enforcers. It was a great test to see who would be able to survive such a life.

During this time, Dr. Peter was still in the morgue attempting to 'save' Professor Cole's cold corpse.

As Peter was performing CPR on Professor Cole's corpse, a progress bar suddenly appeared in the center of his peripheral vision. The progress bar started to increase the longer Peter was doing CPR, from 15% to 45%. 

However, when Peter decided to stop and investigate, the progress bar stopped with him. It amazed him till no end. 

Peter then continued performing CPR on the corpse until the progress bar was full and hit 100%. 


The system's deep mechanical voice suddenly vibrated inside of Peter's conscious mind. 

"God-tier escape system has been successfully bound!"

"First attempt binding successful. The host will now be rewarded with a newbie gift bag."

Gift bag?

Dr. Peter opened the gift bag and suddenly the mechanical voice returned.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 IQ points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 strength points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 stamina points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-tier disguise skill."

"Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining god-level racing skill."

"Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining god-level firearms skill."

[Host]    : Peter

[IQ]      : 110 (100 is the average)

[Strength] : 20 (10 is the average)

[Stamina]  : 25 (15 is the average)

[Skills]    : God-level disguising skill, god-level racing skill, god-level firearms skill.

[Reminder, for each day you escape successfully, you will be rewarded with three random chances to draw.]