You Can't Do It!

Today, Peter had taught Cole a valuable lesson through the live broadcast.

Now, Cole was the only one following him. The other felons chasing him were still on the fourth floor.

When he came to the top of the building, Peter stood on the iron frame erected outside the stairs and looked in the direction of the stairway exit with a smile.

After waiting for a few more seconds, Cole's figure appeared.

Peter looked at him and shook his head. Suddenly, his figure moved again.

He grabbed one steel frame after another like a nimble 'monkey' and quickly jumped down.

The seventh floor was more than twenty meters from the ground!

Cole could only watch Peter's figure, who was getting smaller and smaller.

"Damn it!"

Cole did not dare to go down the same way he did and capture Peter. He had been following Peter with high-intensity parkour just now, which consumed a lot of Cole's energy.

Peter landed on the ground and casually patted the dust from his shirt.

He raised his head and looked at the roof.

Their eyes met!

Peter extended his thumb and slowly looked down.

You... can't do it!

Cole saw Peter's mocking action and his breathing became heavier. His face was filled with unwillingness and disappointment.

He had lost.

He had lost completely.

The gap between the two was too big.

"This is too crazy. This is simply too crazy. It's completely comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster."

"I feel Peter's speed and strength are amazing. There's no need for a stunt double at all. There's no need for special effects."

The live broadcast room was once again filled with excitement.

This was the kind of escape that they wanted to see.

Instead of hiding in an abandoned house and eating dry bread.

It was an utter defeat for Cole!

Peter landed on the ground from the seventh floor using his god-level parkour ability, then turned and ran into the distance.

Cole, who had been on the roof the entire time, had a face full of hatred.

The freedom he was about to obtain was mercilessly shattered by Peter!

He stood on the roof and observed the direction in which Peter had escaped, then let the other three felons continue to chase after Peter.

Then, Bloodhand Black contacted Cole, and also knew that Peter had escaped again.


"Then catch him with your own hands!"

Black continued to follow Peter until Peter ran into an underground parking lot.

What on Earth was this guy doing?

Bloodhand Black could not understand Peter's behavior. Should he not seize a car and run as far away as possible?

Although he could not understand Peter's actions, he still followed him into the underground parking lot.

Peter walked into the underground parking lot and kept an eye on the surveillance cameras. He avoided the surveillance cameras by moving around.


When Peter turned the corner, he found a man following him.

He found it when he turned through the corner, he saw it through a convex and concave mirror.

It was a policeman!

A casually clothed policeman!

Peter did not make a sound. He used the vehicles in the underground parking lot as cover and hid behind an RV.

The underground parking lot was unusually quiet. If one calmed down, one could hear faint footsteps approaching slowly.

It was the footsteps of the casually dressed policeman. Peter did not dare to make a sound. He did not know if the policeman had called for backup.

However, he could not hide forever. If he waited too long, he would definitely be discovered.

Peter checked his equipment. Five pistols and 118 bullets.

The biggest threat to him now was the police. And even if there were more of them outside, he wouldn't panic.

But now it was different.

This was an underground parking lot. There were only two exits.

Once surrounded by the police, it would be difficult to escape.

At that moment, the sound of an engine came from the quiet parking lot.

Who started the car?

Peter looked in the rear-view mirror of the RV and saw a luxury car coming into the underground parking lot.

A Rolls-Royce double-doored Phantom!

The Phantom did not slow down and drove all the way to the RV near where Peter was hiding.

What a coincidence?

Peter was secretly delighted. He stuck his head out and saw a young woman in casual clothes coming out of the Phantom's driver's seat.

After the young woman got out of the car, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she was waiting for a little girl in the front passenger seat to get out of the car.

The little girl's movements were very slow as if she was very unwilling to get out of the car. Peter guessed that the young woman driving the luxury car might have just come back home with her daughter.

The young woman was urging the little girl to move faster, constantly looking at the time.


Peter saw the little girl finally get out of the car. He crouched down and went around the back of the Phantom. When the young woman saw the little girl get out of the car, she closed the door of the driver's seat and walked while waiting for the little girl.

The Phantom's door could be closed through the remote control. After the young woman took the little girl's hand and left, Peter quickly stepped forward and blocked the closing door with one hand.

Then, Peter used his mouth to imitate the sound of the car door being locked.


The young woman held the little girl's hand with one hand, and her footsteps sped up. She did not doubt the sound of the notification coming from behind her.

The broadcast team was yet again shocked.

"The god is showing off his controls again?"

"He stole a Phantom just like that! Oh my god!"

"When the god ran into the underground parking lot just now, I predicted that the god was going to steal a car and leave New York."

"Why would the god leave New York? Isn't it good here?"

"Are you an idiot? Of course, the New York police department doesn't want the god to leave New York. If that happens, who will put pressure on the New York prison?"

"Hey, you have to be careful with your words. Be careful that the New York police department will treat you to a cup of coffee and beat you up."

While the audience in the live broadcast room was enthusiastically discussing, Peter was sitting in the Phantom driver's seat. He used his hand to find two electrical wires that were connected to the electronic start-up. Then, he removed the two ends of the wires and started the Phantom.

At this time, Black, who was also hiding in the car, heard the sound of the engine starting.

He was shocked!

Not good!

This time, Peter was really going to run away.

He guessed that Peter was running away from New York, or the state of New York.

Bloodhand Black had followed Peter for several days. He could not let Peter escape like this.

He quickly stood up. At this time, Peter was driving the Phantom to the exit and was about to escape from the underground parking lot.

Black narrowed his eyes and quickly pulled out a pistol and shot at the Phantom's tires.


The bullet hit the speeding tires and the Phantom lost its balance in an instant. The gorgeous paint on the car brushed against the wall and rushed out of the underground parking lot's exit.

Courting death!

Peter was enraged by the cold shot from behind.

After the Phantom rushed out of the underground parking lot, a sharp turn of the brakes forced the several tons of weight of the car to turn 180 degrees.

The front of the car stopped at the exit of the underground garage.

Peter rolled down the driver's window and locked onto the exit position.

After a few breaths, Bloodhand Black's head appeared under Peter's gun.