You Can't Run Away

The Phantom was parked on the road, as Peter was comfortably shooting out the car's window. Without any hesitation, he raised his pistol and activated his god-level firearm skill. The first bullet hit the tires of the police car, which caused the police car to lose its balance and roll past the corner.

The second bullet shot out and hit the fuel tank of the police car accurately.


With a loud sound, the fuel tank of the police car exploded into flames. The entire police car was engulfed in flames.

Peter calmly controlled the brakes and his feet on the accelerator. The Phantom instantly returned to its original position.


The Phantom's engine let out a low roar and sped off into the distance.

At this point, Bloodhand Black used the friction force to finally stop. He looked at the police car that had exploded not far away with a shocked expression.

Was Peter crazy!?

"Oh my god! How is the god's marksmanship so good!?"

"He shot the police car and blew up the gas tank with one shot. Is he still human?"

"It looks like the four felons in the police car won't be able to survive. They deserve it!"

"Look at the look of shock on Bloodhand Black's face. It's so funny."

"Why do I feel like I'm watching a Hollywood blockbuster? It's so exciting. This is the kind of escape we want to see."

The audience in the live broadcast room was once again shocked by Peter's performance. This was different from those Hollywood action blockbusters. Those were special effects. Peter's performance was even more shocking than special effects.

Peter drove the Phantom at a high speed to the end of Highway 18, and then he could leave New York City.

His destination was Washington, the capital of the United States.

At this time, Escape Program Director Johnson received a call from the New York police department.

On the phone, the New York police chief told Johnson that the police department had sent 40 felons, these 40 felons were divided into 10 teams to catch Peter who was trying to escape New York.

The New York police department is crazy!

Johnson listened to the call and was scared silly, of course, he knew the purpose of the New York police department, but to release so many felons at one time, if there was an accident, there was no way to control it.

The NYPD had always been understaffed, not to mention keeping an eye on the 40 felons.

They could do anything.

But Johnson couldn't stop them.

All he could do was cooperate with the NYPD and guarantee the live broadcast.

Ten minutes later, Peter drove the Phantom to the end of Highway 18.

He was surprised to find that there were obstacles in front of him. More than a dozen police cars were parked together, forming a temporary cordon.


Are you really trying to block my path?

Peter drove the Phantom and did not slow down. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the police cars.

Outside the police car that was blocking Peter, there were dozens of fully armed 'police'. They were all felons from the New York prison. The most amazing thing was that Bloodhand Black was among them.

Although his hands had been disabled by Peter's gun, it did not stop him from sneaking into the group that was chasing Peter. He also wanted freedom. He planned to sneak into the group of felons. When he caught Peter, he would also get a share of the profits.

The felons who had surrounded Peter were the first to find Peter. When they saw him appear in the Phantom, they immediately fired.

The Bullets rained down on the Phantom.

Peter reacted quickly. He bent down and controlled the accelerator and brakes with his feet, causing the Phantom to drift and spin. The bullets hit the Phantom's chassis, this greatly reduced the probability of the bullets hitting Peter.

Suddenly, the Phantom's door opened. The moment the door was opened, due to the inertia of the car's rotation, it broke off.

Peter seized the opportunity to jump out of the Phantom. There were weeds on both sides of the road, so Peter fell out without much damage to his body.

Activating the god-level parkour skill, he landed on the weeds on the side of the road. He rolled to neutralize the impact of his body.

He did not stop his body and continued to roll to dodge the bullets behind him.

After a round of shooting, the felon who pretended to be a policeman was changing his magazine. At this time, there was a gap in the dense firepower suppression, and only sporadic bullets were fired in Peter's direction.


Peter did a roll and then half-squatted, using his knees as a support. The gun in his hand kept firing.

A pistol was loaded with nine rounds. Peter used only five seconds to empty the magazine. Then he quickly took out a second pistol and continued shooting.

The first felon was hit and fell to the ground. The second felon behind him was exposed.


The second felon was hit and fell to the ground. The gas tank of the police car behind him was exposed.


A bullet hit the gas tank of the police car. The entire police car was instantly engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

The 'police' who were frightened began to run to both sides. This undoubtedly exposed the vulnerable parts of their task force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three consecutive shots were fired. The bullets whistled and hit the heads of three felons.

It was a one-shot kill!

At this moment, the felons who were running around were really scared. There was no way for them to organize another round of firepower suppression.

Only a few of the more daring felons fired back from time to time.

In a panic, Bloodhand Black fled to the weeds on the other side of the highway. He planned to lie down in the weeds and hide for the time being. When most of the men were dead, he would run back to snatch a police car and run out of New York.

The distance from New York to the Harbor City of Boston was not very far. He was hoping to get lucky. As long as he could run to Boston, he would be able to leave the United States.

He had some connections in Mexico.

However, just as Bloodhand Black was planning for a better future, a bullet hit his lung.

Black stared in the direction where the bullet hit him.

It wasn't Peter!

That damned Peter didn't have such bad marksmanship. It was an accomplice who saw that Black wanted to escape. He didn't like Black to begin with. This guy had both his hands crippled by Peter. A good-for-nothing still wanted to sneak into their midst and get something for nothing?

"I've long disliked you..."


Before the felon could finish his sentence, Peter, who was hiding in the weeds, shot him in the head.

*Cough... Cough...*

Black's lungs began to spasm violently, and he coughed out a large amount of blood.

He covered his lungs with one hand. When he wanted to stand up, he was shot in the head by Peter. The once perverted murderer had finally died.

A few birds that looked like crows hovered in the air above the gunfight. Upon closer inspection, the eyes of these birds were constantly flashing with a dazzling red light.

They were the robotic birds sent by the program team.

The entire process of the gunfight was broadcasted live on the Internet, and the live broadcast team of the Escape Program was instantly silent!

No one in the audience commented. In the live broadcast, one by one, the felons fell to the ground. They were shot in the head and then fell to the ground as if they were moving targets for trained snipers.