Are You Threatening Me?

Mole did not go up to inspect the RV himself. Instead, he waited and asked the guy who had been following Peter to check the RV.

Be careful!

Be careful!

Other than the fact that he was a mole, he was also a suspicious person.

He hid behind a tree trunk more than 100 meters away from the RV and watched his partner slowly approach the RV.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the thunder above, which startled the partner.

This was not good!

Mole narrowed his eyes, trying not to be blinded by the rain.

He knew that the thunder had woken Peter.

He had been on the run before, and he knew that when a fugitive was on the run, any sound could alert them, not to mention such thunder.

Mole reacted quickly, he immediately contacted his accomplices on the phone and asked them to evacuate first. He planned to observe the reaction in the RV before making a decision.

It was not Mole's fault for being unusually cautious. It was just that Peter was too powerful. He knew that Peter had killed 110 prisoners by himself, and it had only taken him two hours.

That was too terrifying!

Facing such a demon, no matter how cautious he was, he could not be too cautious.

At this point, Peter was sitting in the RV. He had just been woken up by thunder.

He had just gotten off the bed in the RV when a familiar system notification sounded in his mind.

'Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully escaping for five days. The reward is three chances to draw a random lottery.'

Not knowing what good items he would get today, Peter immediately chose to start the lottery.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 IQ points as a reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 300,000 USD as a reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-level perception skill."

[Host]           : Peter

[IQ]             : 120 (100 is the average)

[Strength]        : 30 (10 is the average)

[Stamina]        : 25 (15 is the average)

[Money]         : 70,000 US dollars

[God-level skills]   : God-level disguising skills, god-level racing skills, god-level firearms skills, god-level fighting skills, god-level wingsuit flying skills, god-level skateboarding skills, god-level parkour skills, god-level ventriloquism skills, god-level perception skills.

[Super god-level skills]: sacrifice.

"Reminder, for each day you successfully escape, you will be rewarded with three random chances to draw."

Another god-level skill.

[God-level perception skills]

Peter started to look at the latest skill that he had obtained, god-level perception skills.

Could it be a skill that was like an X-ray vision?

Peter immediately activated the skill and looked at the watch on his wrist.


After activating the god-level perception skill, the watch that was originally normal could now be seen very clearly by the precise machinery on the dial under the god-level perspective skill. It could even be seen at different levels through zoom.


He was very satisfied with this newly obtained god-level skill.

After that, Peter shifted his gaze to the outside of the RV. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and the fierce raindrops hit the ground forming a mist.


Peter used his X-ray vision to look outside the RV. After adjusting the focus of his eyes, he saw a big tree about 100 meters away from his RV. A person was hiding behind the trunk.

Who was this?

Was it the New York police who had been chasing him all the way to Washington?

Or was his whereabouts exposed and attracted the attention of the Washington police?


No matter who this guy was, running into an empty park in the middle of the night and hiding behind a tree trunk was definitely not a good thing.

Peter took out his pistol, pointed the muzzle at the target hiding behind the tree trunk, and pulled the trigger.


The figure hiding behind the tree trunk did not fall.

Peter instantly reacted. He forgot that he had seen the suspicious person hiding behind the tree trunk through his X-ray vision.

He instantly felt bad.

It seemed that sometimes having too many skills was not a good thing.

This was bad! The gunshot must have alerted the people outside the RV.

Peter quickly opened the door of the RV. It was still raining heavily outside.

He used his X-ray vision to see the figure hiding behind the tree trunk. He was retreating under the cover of the tree trunk.

He had been careless!

Peter did not chase after him. In such heavy rain, a fool was running wildly in the rain.

He was so confident now that he didn't care about the guy who followed him out alone.

Peter got into the front of the RV, started the engine, and planned to leave.

Now that he had been discovered, he wasn't stupid enough to stay here and wait for a large number of Washington police officers to surround him.

After leaving the park, the RV drove up the block. Because of the heavy rain, there were no other cars on the street.

After a while, Peter's phone vibrated.

Who could be calling at this hour?

Before Peter left New York, he bought two phones with no ids on them through the black market.

After that, he never used the phone again, and no one knew his number.

Who could it be?

Instead of picking up the phone right away, Peter waited quietly.

Just as the vibration was about to disappear, he quickly picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

He put the receiver close to his ear and did not make a sound.

It was very quiet in the receiver. The other party did not make a sound either. The two of them were waiting to see who would make the first sound.

Five minutes later, an extremely unfamiliar male voice finally came from the receiver.

"You win Mr. Peter!

"You don't have to guess who I am. It doesn't matter.

"Your current position is XXXXXXX, am I right, Mr. Peter?

"Peter, you shouldn't have killed so many policemen in New York. Your demise is here.

"If you still want to leave as a complete corpse, stop the car now and surrender. I will be merciful and let you leave as a complete corpse, how about it, Mr. Peter?"

Are you threatening me?

Peter did not feel angry at all. This kind of psychological warfare was just like fooling a child.

What a joke!

However, there was one thing that Peter felt was very important. It was that during the phone call just now, Peter had discovered that the other party had exposed his location.

He had accurately said his location, but he did not know that his location had also been exposed.

Peter slowed down the car and activated the god-level perception spell.

In the empty street, there was only one RV moving slowly.

Peter drove the RV into a block. Then, he controlled the RV to spin on the spot. With the help of the wet rain, he easily turned the RV, which weighed several tons, around.

He stared at the empty street, like a nightingale looking for its prey.


Where are you going!?