He Threw the List Away!

Peter looked at the list from the bullet, there were 63 names on it. Peter's IQ had been enhanced by the system to 120, which is higher than the average human's IQ. With the increase of IQ, came the increase of memory capacity as well. 

He found that he had memorized all 63 names on the note after only reading it a few times. These were the kind of names that could not be forgotten.

As for the CIA logo on the back of the note, Peter did not quite understand why it was there albeit recognizing the logo. He felt that if the names were related to the CIA, they would not have so haphazardly placed their logo on the paper.

Placing their logo on the list essentially made sure that whoever got hold of the paper would know the names belonged to agents of the CIA.

The CIA would not do something so stupid!

There could only be one possible reason, the CIA logo was drawn by someone who got the note out of the agency.

That person was most likely the guy who had abandoned the car and escaped.

That guy was not a police officer. He might have offended the CIA and was being pursued by the CIA. In a hurry, he found Peter and led the trouble to Peter.

Peter felt that this analysis was valid, but there were a few important points that he still did not understand.

Why was such an important piece of information revealed to him?

Also, how could he be sure that he would find the bullet that contained the note?

If it was not for the god-level perception skill that he obtained from the system reward, Peter would not have been able to discover that there was a list hidden in the shell of the bullet.

"Does this guy know me very well?" Thought Peter.


Peter was very clear about the power of the system. It was impossible for an ordinary person to discover it. This guy must have stumbled upon it by accident.

Had he wanted to attract trouble onto himself?

What kind of joke was this?

Peter sped away from downtown Washington as he opened the window and threw the note filled with names out of the window.


"What the hell? What was that piece of paper that the god threw out just now? Can you see what was written on the piece of paper?"

"Damn the program team, tracking and monitoring the god with robotic animals are not good enough. Why didn't they use a mini drone?"

"I took a screenshot just now and zoomed in on the image. I couldn't see it clearly at all!"

"It's useless. The font on that piece of paper is too small. I can't even see it clearly even if I zoomed in."

"I realized that this escape show is getting better and better. It feels like I'm watching a suspenseful movie!"

"Only the god is so awesome. Out of the ten fugitives selected by the program team, only the god is left."

"That's right. The one who escaped the longest among the other fugitives lasted for three days before he was caught. That's pretty good."

"Good enough? Can they be compared to the god? The ones who caught them were the program team's staff. They were just putting on an act for the show's effect. Unlike the ones who caught the god, they are all vicious felons."

Peter drove the bulletproof SUV he picked up out of downtown Washington. The performance of this SUV was really good. It had strong horsepower and a tough body. The most commendable thing was the comfort of the driver's seat and the bulletproof exterior.

After Peter threw the note out of the window, he did not know there was a tiny drone from the CIA tailing him, which had been monitoring him ever since their involvement. They saw that Peter had thrown the piece of paper out and it terrified them.

If the note was found by the media and broadcasted live, the consequences would be disastrous.

The CIA's decades-long deployment in Mexico and Latin America would be 

When the CIA discovered that Peter had dropped the note, they immediately dispatched a team to retrieve the deadly note.

About five minutes later, an old woman appeared on 5th Street. She was walking on crutches across the sidewalk. The note that Peter had dropped was next to a drain on the side of the road. A little wind could blow the note into the drain.

The old woman pretended to be casual and walked toward the sewer.

The walking stick in her hand knocked on the ground at a constant frequency.

Five meters, four meters, one meter.

At this time, the Escape Program team sent out a robotic mouse. The mouse hid from the crowd and quickly approached the sewer. The program team wanted to get the piece of paper that was full of words. They were also curious about what was written on it.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also watching the scene. Their heart rates were raised, they were nervous and excited.

The robotic mouse was very fast, it was about to reach the sewer. It was about to get the note.

The program team and the audience watching the live broadcast were very excited.

Suddenly, a walking stick fell from the sky and accurately pierced through the note.


The audience in the live broadcast room saw the scene that the robotic mouse had transmitted through the surveillance camera in its eyes.

After the appearance of the walking stick, it looked like a wooden stick that fell from the sky had coincidentally pierced through the note. Then, the walking stick continued to strike the ground at a constant frequency. The note hanging on the walking stick moved along with the walking stick, finally, it disappeared from the audience's sight.

"What is the program team doing? Go chase after them!"

"I remember that the program team has a robotic cat and dog. Use them to snatch back the note."

"Stop arguing! It's just an old woman with bad legs. What bad intentions could she have?"

"I'm so angry. I was about to get the note, but it was accidentally picked up by an old woman."

However, what the viewers did not know was that the old woman got into an ordinary van with her walking cane after a block.

After the old woman got into the van, she quickly took off her wig and her mask, and then took the note from the walking stick.

This was a CIA secret service officer. As he was nearby, he immediately put on makeup after receiving orders from his superior. By imitating the appearance of an old woman, he successfully used the walking stick in his hand to get the note.

Although he had managed to retrieve the note safely, the CIA was extremely angry at Mole's actions.

This guy did not care about the lives of the secret service agents who were undercover. This kind of person was extremely selfish. They had no loyalty to their country and did not have a shred of respect for their country and people.

Of course, the CIA wanted this kind of person to disappear as soon as possible.

What Peter did not know was that in just a few minutes, something exciting was about to happen.

As he drove out of downtown Washington, he saw the man who had abandoned the SUV enter a large company.

Peter looked at the name of the company standing in the doorway. He knew the company.

It had a smooth marble surface with a huge logo.

Umbrella Biotech!