You're Peter!

Knock, knock, knock!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned by the sudden knock on the door when they saw Peter's muscular body flooding the screen.

"Who's knocking at the door at this time? A hotel attendant?"

"F*ck! Could it be that those felons who pretended to be police officers discovered the hotel suite where the god is hiding?"

"It's very possible! Look at the expression of the god, he's still so calm. Maybe it really is a hotel attendant."

"The god went to open the door. Oh my god, he didn't even look through the peephole to see who it was?"

Peter was wearing a bathrobe. He sat on the sofa in a very comfortable position.

Then, he used the remote control in his hand to extinguish the lights in the suite. Instantly, the suite became dark.

"Come in, the door isn't locked!"

Peter's voice wasn't very loud, but it was very powerful. It was just enough for the people outside to hear.


The door was opened. With the help of the light from the corridor, Peter saw a graceful figure appear in the door frame.

"It's so dark! My dear, you're playing a prank again, is one of your lovers here? I heard him talking just now."


A ray of light suddenly appeared in the pitch-black room. It was the light from the floodlight above Peter's head, shining directly on his body.

Taylor had been walking carefully into the room when she was startled by the sudden light.

Then, she saw a spotlight shining on a man sitting on the sofa.

Taylor was shocked!

This man was not her best friend's lover.

She did not know this man.

This was a bad person. The first thing that came to Taylor's mind was to run away immediately.

She regretted rejecting the escorts of her bodyguards. At the time, she thought that it would be safe for her to have a sleepover with her close friend. It would be bad if she was accompanied by her bodyguards, and the paparazzi caught her.

Therefore, she had chosen to come alone and had even worn a hat that could cover her face.

"Ms. Taylor, don't be afraid. It's not too late for you to run away, especially after hearing what I have to say."

The deep male voice gave Taylor an inexplicable sense of security when she first heard it.

It was a very strange feeling!

Taylor stopped abruptly and slowly turned to look at the man on the sofa.

As the light from the entire floodlight shone on Peter, it made him stand out in stark contrast to the dark environment around him.

The man's face was so familiar!

Taylor suddenly realized that she had seen this face somewhere before.

After a short daze, she finally remembered.

"Oh my god! You're the-"

She immediately covered her mouth and dared not say the last word.

She knew who he was. In the last week, this face had become popular all over the United States.

He was America's fugitive, Peter.

A legendary fugitive.

A former doctor who had been on the run ever since he killed.

He had killed 110 felons in New York City a few days earlier.

After escaping to Washington, he shot through two bulletproof glass windows and killed his target.

Taylor knew that this 'fugitive' Peter was not a real fugitive. The Escape Program team had specifically created a character for the sake of the viewership ratings.

However, Peter did not know the truth.

She could not expose him, she knew that she could not do that.

Suddenly, Taylor recalled something that made her panic.

"Ms. Taylor, your good friend is safe now. Please rest assured."

Peter noticed the change in Taylor's expression and knew that she was worried about her good friend.

"Can I see my good friend?"

After Taylor said this, she regretted it. She was afraid that her request would anger the other party.

In comparison, Peter did not know that this escape was a game.

If this guy got angry, he would kill.

"Yes, I can. I can't refuse Ms. Taylor's request."

After Peter said that, he did not look at Taylor's shocked expression. Instead, he walked to a room and opened the door.

From where Taylor was standing, as long as she turned her head, she could clearly see her good friend and her lover lying on the same bed. When she saw her good friend's rising chest, she knew that her good friend had not been hurt.

"Why did you trick me into coming here through my best friend?"

Faced with Taylor's doubt, Peter took out a photo from somewhere.

This was a very old photo, probably dating back more than a decade.

In the photo, there were two children. One was a little girl with a whip. From the looks of it, she looked somewhat similar to the current Taylor.

The other was a little boy, one head taller than the girl next to him. He was holding the little girl with his left arm.

The moment Taylor saw the photo, her mind went blank.

Her childhood memories flooding back with this photo.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her vision started to blur.

"You, you are that Peter?"

Taylor remembered everything. The Peter in front of her was actually a childhood playmate. It was just an accident that caused her to lose this playmate. She had always thought that little Peter had already left this world, but she did not expect him to still be alive.


The entire live broadcast room's audience exploded in an instant. Even the Escape Program team was stunned.

They did not know whether they should put a stop to this. They were worried that Taylor's appearance would expose the program team's plans.


"This is too, too amazing! Taylor was actually a playmate of the god when he was a child!"

"My heart can't take it anymore. Really, is it okay to provoke us like this?"

"Yeah, the moment Taylor appeared, the comments and comments in the live broadcast room disappeared. Everyone was stunned."

"Taylor is my goddess! It's over. She was snatched away by the god. Sob, sob, sob, sob."

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words and say it again. Whose goddess is Taylor?"

"Hahaha, you're all being noisy. This escape show is too exciting. I dare say that it won't be long before it becomes popular all over the world."

"It won't be long. It'll be done right now. Haven't you noticed that there are many foreigners watching the live broadcast?"

Peter stood there for a long time without moving. He recalled the time when he played with Taylor when he was young. They climbed trees and looked for bird eggs. They went to the riverside to pick up mud. They went to school together. They hid in the basement of Taylor's house to escape from housework together.

Suddenly, Peter felt a pair of soft arms embracing him.

He looked at Taylor, who was in front of him. The little girl had become a famous female singer.

However, Peter saw in Taylor's eyes the shadow of his childhood.

She had not changed. She was still the little friend next door.

Peter hugged her hard.