Picking up the Scalpel Again

They did not know whether they were the hunter or the hunted, they felt like they were being led by Peter into a trap.

Time trickled by slowly.

The felons who had been tracking Peter finally entered the hospital. Their expressions were grave because there were too many people in the hall, how were they going to find him in this situation?

"Let's go to the hospital's surveillance room. The police have already been contacted in advance."

"You guys go and guard every exit."

These felons did not stay in the hospital's hall for long and moved quickly.

A team of six felons started to search for Peter from the hospital's hall.

At this point, Peter arrived at the second floor of the hospital, this floor had an outpatient department and many patients were there. 

Through his observation, he managed to confirm the locations of a few surveillance cameras. He then started avoiding the cameras.

Peter found a doctor's lounge. When he saw that there was no one inside, he quickly opened the door and entered.

Not long after, he came out again. He had already changed into scrubs with the white coat on, and he even had a mask on.

At this point, Peter really missed the days when he was a doctor. Although his life from that time was dull, it was comfortable and he did not have to worry about escaping.

He found the staircase and went up to the third floor.

"God, are you planning to hide in the hospital?"

"Did the god feel uncomfortable and came in to see a doctor on the way to escape?"

"The god is a doctor, to begin with."

The scene in the live broadcast room locked onto the interior of the hospital.


When Peter was passing by the staircase entrance, he heard 'police' coming up. They were asking people if they have seen any suspicious men coming in.

He quickly came up with a plan in his mind.

There were all kinds of examination rooms on the third floor, but it would not be easy to hide there. After thinking that, he immediately went up anyway. 

He took a quick glance at the fourth floor, but it was not a suitable hiding spot anyway. He went straight to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor held the emergency operating theatres for the outpatient department, and it had the least number of people.

As Peter walked, he paid attention to the movements in the direction of the stairs below him.

Now that he had been strengthened by the system, his reaction speed was much faster than an ordinary person's. However, if he was careless and was shot in the back by the police, he would not be able to dodge the speed of the bullets. He would still be injured, and that would be fatal.

"See, I guessed it right. The god is definitely here to see a doctor."

"Are you blind!? Can't you see that the god is looking for a place to hide!?"

"Stop arguing, the hospital forbids loud noises!"

"Haha, the sense of immersion is so strong."

When Peter passed by a room, he stopped outside the door of a room.

The voice of a man and a woman came from inside.

"I'm a little nervous. This is my first surgery. What should I do?"

"Don't worry. This is a chance for us to learn. It's rare for the hospital to agree to let the two of us participate in the surgery. It's very rare."

"I just wonder who the chief surgeon for this surgery is?"

"The surgery is an appendectomy. The chief surgeon will not be someone important. I think it's a very ordinary doctor."

"Don't spout nonsense. Anyone who comes will be more important than you."

Peter understood that these two new interns were discussing the surgery that they would be participating in later.

He raised his head and saw the words 'sterile operating theater' written on the top of the door.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He turned around and went back.

He opened the door of the sterile operating theater and walked in.

"You are?"

The young male doctor asked in confusion.

"John!" Peter said as he walked in, "The surgery is about to begin. Are you ready?"

"Ah!" The female intern covered her mouth with her hand. She recognized Peter. Recently, she had been watching the live broadcast of the Escape Program. Of course, she knew that this god was "escaping".

The female intern looked at Peter with admiration.

This surgery was a small operation. Usually, surgeons in the hospital could complete it on their own. It was just that they had called for two more interns to give them a chance to learn.

When the female intern saw Peter, her smile became even wider. She knew that Peter was a doctor at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

"F*ck! This is also possible! The god even planned to treat patients and save people when he was on the run!"

"God, you're on the run. Aren't you being mean to the program team?"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Peter actually planned to perform surgery while he was on the run. Even if they knew that Peter was originally a surgeon, it was still insane.

At this time, the felons who had entered the hospital to capture Peter were still searching floor by floor.

Peter entered the disinfection area and carefully washed his two arms with a sterilizing agent. He had not experienced this feeling for a long time.

Then, he entered the operating theater and saw that a patient was already lying on the operating table.

Moreover, the skin area where the patient was about to be operated on had already been sterilized.

Peter put on the sterile surgical gown with the help of the female nurse. The two interns also put on their sterile surgical gowns.

The shadowless lights above the operating table were all switched on. A few beams of strong light shone on the patient's right lower abdomen area.

Peter signaled the two interns to put on the sterile surgical gown for the patient.

The two interns had seen the surgical teaching videos before and knew how to operate.

"Today's operation is an appendectomy. Although it is a small operation, it is a rare opportunity for you to learn hands-on."

When Peter was eavesdropping outside the door, he knew that this operation was an appendectomy.

"Professor John, we will definitely observe carefully and learn."

The female intern made a face at Peter. She deliberately called out to John so as not to expose Peter's true identity.

Hearing what the intern said, Peter nodded.

Then, he signaled the anesthesiologist to start the anesthesia with his eyes.

A few minutes later, the patient fell into a deep sleep.

Peter touched the skin with one hand, looking for the position of the incision.

He reached out with his right hand and said in a low voice without even looking at the nurse on his right.


The female nurse immediately handed the sharp scalpel to Peter.

He held the scalpel in his right hand and made a small incision in the patient's lower right abdomen.

The sharp blade cut open the skin and blood oozed out in an instant.

The two interns, who were standing opposite Peter, were instantly nervous when they saw the blood oozing out.

Peter was in no mood to take care of their emotions.

"Don't panic when you see blood oozing out of the incision. It's just blood from the subcutaneous capillaries. Don't worry about it."

After saying that, Peter continued expertly cutting into the flesh.

He used the scalpel to cut open the fat, revealing the subcutaneous muscular layer.

"This is the muscular layer, which is the external muscle group. Don't use the scalpel to cut open it directly. It's best to use your fingers to tear open a gap and then use the separating forceps to separate them."

The two interns looked at Peter with admiration.

"Professor John, why don't you use the scalpel to cut it open?"

"That's a good question. If you use the scalpel to cut it open, it will damage the muscle layer, and it will be detrimental to the healing of the incision after the surgery."

Peter patiently lectured. This knowledge was a skill that could only be mastered after dozens, or even hundreds of surgeries.