You Still Can't Do It!

"Cole, I didn't expect you to chase Peter all the way from New York to Washington.

"Cut the crap. Let's work together to catch Peter this time.

"Peter's location is at a coffee shop called Raccoon on 18th Street. I'll wait for you."

Ten minutes later, the two felons in the police car arrived first.

The two felons took out the tools to catch the fugitives from the car, went around Peter's field of vision, and sneaked in through the back door.

Peter had already seen the two police officers, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He turned around and gave the middle finger to the police officers who were slowly approaching.


When the two felons saw Peter give them the middle finger, they instantly glared at them.

"You're courting death! Catch him!"

One of the felons charged at Peter.

The other felon went around to Peter's other side and took out his pistol to lock onto Peter.

When Peter saw them approaching, he did a somersault and jumped over the table. He rolled through the window to reduce the impact when he landed.


The two felons were still stunned on the spot.

Peter's perfect parkour movement shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

"What, what's going on?"

"Oh my god, is there something wrong with my eyes? Why did the god jump out just now?"

"This is a parkour movement. The god is too amazing."

"Quick, look at those two idiots pretending to be policemen. I'm dying of laughter. Everyone is dumbfounded."

The two felons finally came back to their senses and ran out of the cafe angrily.

Peter's was nowhere to be seen.

They immediately got into the car and used the car walkie-talkie to tell the other team that the capture had failed while reporting the possible escape route of Peter.

Peter, who had the god-level parkour, did not look at the cops at all.

What kind of joke was this? If he, who had the god-level system, was caught by such a nobody.

That would be a joke!

By this time, Cole already knew that he didn't catch Peter. He was very angry.

It was normal for these two idiots not to catch Peter. Cole had experienced Peter's terrifying marksmanship.

For example, when a fugitive was on the run, his first thought was how to avoid being chased by the police.

He would subconsciously flee to a remote neighborhood.

This was the first reaction of a fugitive.

After dozens of minutes, the three felons who had surrounded Peter blocked him in an alley.

Peter smiled and looked at the three-meter-high wall behind him.

He turned around and started to accelerate. After a few seconds, he was five meters away from the wall. He used his legs to fly up and used the wall as a force point to flip over.

The scene of Peter doing parkour and jumping over the wall was made into slow motion by the program team.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

"God peter is so handsome.".

"God, marry me. I want to have a baby with you."

"God, do you still need a disciple? I'm easy to teach."

After Peter landed on the ground, he rolled and used the momentum to stand up.

The felon behind him had just climbed up the wall. He watched as Peter, who was smoking, disappeared at the end of the alley.

Peter didn't care about them at all.

It was just a few police officers. He didn't care about them at all.

The smooth parkour movement was completed in one go!

There was no sloppiness at all.

This was what it meant to be on the run.

The Washington police department kept releasing criminals to arrest Peter, making the audience feel that this Escape Program was getting better and better.

At this time, the Escape Program team announced that Peter had successfully escaped for seven days. If Peter was caught now, he would receive a bonus of 2.66 million US dollars.

"Oh my God! That's 2.66 million US dollars! I'll never earn that in my life!"

"Haha, he's obviously unwilling to be caught."

"There's no other way. He's not the god Peter for nothing."

Peter jumped over the wall to shake off the three policemen chasing him. He turned into a block and was about to think about where to go next.


Cole blocked Peter's escape route. He wanted to compete with Peter again.

"You won last time. I want to compete with you again. I'm not satisfied!"

Peter didn't say anything. He just stared at Cole, who was blocking his escape.

Peter slowly took out a piece of chewing gum, threw it into his mouth, and then walked forward.

He completely ignored it!


Cole smiled, stretched his body, and rushed towards Peter.

Peter activated his god-level parkour skill and did not slow down. In front of him was a viaduct, under the bridge was a railway, and a train was coming from not far away.

Cole, who was closely following behind Peter, saw that Peter did not slow down and ran all the way to the viaduct.


Cole wanted to see what Peter was going to do next.

Suddenly, Peter grabbed the guardrail of the viaduct with one hand, and with a graceful somersault, he jumped over the guardrail and jumped down.

"Oh my god! There are railway tracks down there, and there are even trains passing by."

"God, is he planning to jump onto the top of the train?"

"God is awesome! Look at that Cole, do you think he would dare to jump down with the god?"

"I bet 50 cents that Cole wouldn't dare to jump down. He lost last time. This time, the god is obviously looking at him because he doesn't have the guts."

"I don't dare to jump down. If I'm not careful, I'll lose my life."

Cole saw that after Peter jumped, he landed on the roof of the train that passed under the bridge.

"You underestimate me too much!"

After Cole said that, he jumped down and landed on the roof of the train.

After the train passed through the bridge, it started to accelerate and rushed out.

The two of them stood on the top of the train. As the train swayed, they adjusted their body movements.

Peter did not look at Cole, who was behind him. His eyes were focused on the front.

A few minutes later, a tunnel appeared in front of the speeding train.

"Oh my god! Only now do I know why the god jumped onto the top of the train."

"The god is preparing to compete with Cole for courage!"

"This is too exciting! I'm still betting on the god. Cole has already fallen off the ranks."

"God! Hold on until the end. Let Cole see what courage truly is."

After Cole saw the appearance of the tunnel, the original guess in his heart was confirmed. Peter was testing his courage.

He controlled his body to sway and walked step by step to Peter's side.

He turned his head and looked deeply at Peter, then looked forward with him.

The tunnel entrance was getting closer and closer.

Once the train entered the tunnel, the roof of the train and the top of the tunnel only had a few dozen centimeters of space, barely enough for an adult to crawl through.

Let's see who gets down first!

The two of them looked at each other, then looked straight ahead.


The wind from the tunnel blew their hair into a mess.

The locomotive whistled into the tunnel, and the two of them were getting closer and closer to the entrance of the tunnel.

Three meters!

Two meters!

One meter!


Cole was so scared that he opened his mouth and shouted loudly. When the entrance of the tunnel was less than one meter away from the two of them, he was so scared that he quickly lay on the roof of the train.

At this time, the corner of Peter's mouth slightly curled up. He leaned back and his nose touched the top of the tunnel and entered the pitch-black tunnel.

The live broadcast room was silent!

The audience watching the live broadcast was shocked!

The scene of the two people betting their guts was recorded by the program team's robotic surveillance.

Because it was the first view, the audience in the live broadcast room could feel the shock of the tunnel rushing over.

It felt so real!

This made the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room tighten, followed by cold sweat.

"I... I feel that I can't organize any words to express my shock!"

"Cole lost unjustly. Losing to a god, it's not shameful!"

"Oh my god! Just now, I felt my heart stop beating."

"Sigh! The former number one parkour champion actually cried out in shock at the last moment!"

Today, Peter thought Cole a good lesson!.

You still can't do it!