Profiteering Industry?

Comments were rising non-stop under the live broadcast.

"This child is so rude. Doesn't he know that this is his father's company?"

"How can you guys say that? He's just a child. He's only 17 years old, right? What were you guys doing when you were 17?"

"Pfft, with that attitude, those who don't know might think that the boss is possessed."

"He's so over-the-top."

"Uh, he's not that great at school. Can he even comprehend the investment report?"

"By the way, can he understand it?"

"Of course he can't."

"I'm in the investment business. Don't just look at how few the pages of the document are. There are actually many technical terms that are not something a child can easily comprehend. Even with the right knowledge, I have to further check and ask about the documents.

I reckon that this kind of work will have to be done by his father's subordinates."


The live broadcast was in an uproar.

The program team did not expect that the closing show of the first season would be on top of the charts.

Could Ryan really understand it?

Whether it was in his past life or this life, he had never seen this thing.

But didn't he have an investment system? Did he really need the knowledge to understand? No.

Sino-Ocean Fishery

Investment Return: loss

Reason: A strong typhoon will hit in the next three days. It will affect all operations, including the exports and imports.

'This is f*cking easy. It even predicted the future weather?'

Ryan said faintly, "Will there be any changes in the recent weather forecast?"

Jon's subordinate tried his best to cooperate with his boss's son and said, "There won't be any changes in the weather in the next half a month, sir. It should be calm. The Sino-Ocean Fishery is a low investment with high return."

Ryan placed the document on the table and said, "This won't do. It will be a loss."


'After receiving the subordinate's suggestion, he still says it's a loss? What's this brat playing at? I specifically checked the weather forecast just now. There's nothing wrong with it.'

Jon's subordinate couldn't help but say, "Manager Ryan, did you misheard the forecast? The weather has been calm recently. There were no unpredicted circumstances."

"Yes!" Ryan frowned and said, "Is this how my father taught you guys? How dare you? Am I the manager or are you guys the manager? Why don't you do it then?"

"No, no, no. You do it, you do it," the staff said immediately.

The purpose of this program was to not interfere with those who participate.

They had signed a contract, it was a complete reversal of roles.

There was also a contract for any unforeseen matters that may contribute to the company's loss. Since the company agreed to go on this program to obtain free publicity, there must be some sort of price to pay.

And that might be Ryan's refusal to invest.

But to the company, it was nothing. It was only a month, and compared to the effect of the publicity, the loss was small.

Ryan picked up another document.

Cloud Tech Development Company

Investment Return: loss

Reason: The company claims to be a high-tech research company, but in reality, it is just a scam to gain investments and subsidies. It will be exposed in half a year. By then, the boss and employees will have disappeared. It is a complete scam."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"Why is there even such a rubbish company?!"

Ryan threw the documents onto the table.

The corner of Jon's subordinates' lips twitched. They had seen this company before, and there were no problems in terms of qualifications. There was no doubt that they would be able to make money if they invested in it.

Yet this kid who hasn't even fully hit puberty dared say that the company was rubbish?

After reading four or five documents consecutively, Ryan felt helpless that all of them were losses, but he was no longer surprised.

This was how companies were run nowadays.

Those who had the ability didn't need investors, and those who needed investment were 80% swindlers. The remaining 10% wanted to take a gamble in scamming. If they succeeded, they would get rich together. If they didn't, then they were unlucky. There was a slim chance to meet a company that really needed the Zijin Development Company. Moreover, there was a possibility that no investments would be made.

Professional managers were definitely a technical job. They needed a unique vision and the ability to find a needle in the haystack.

Without further nonsense, Ryan spent a little more than 10 minutes studying more than 30 documents.

He looked at the two subordinates and then at the people in the live broadcast.

"This brat really doesn't have the skills. 30+ documents? That's a lot. He won't be able to finish reading them in just a day."

"You really took it seriously? He was obviously just pretending."

"Talented, talented."

"I'm already starting to worry for his father."

"How is this possibly reading the documents? Even those who read novels on a daily basis can't read those documents so quickly."

"Are there any more?" Ryan asked.

The two subordinates looked at each other and smiled. "Yes, sure, there are."

As they spoke, they picked up the documents that Ryan had just thrown away.

These documents had been carefully selected?

They felt an opportunity coming. If they could find out the worth of investment from these documents and hand them over to the board of directors, wouldn't it be smooth sailing from there?

One of them hurriedly left the office and brought in a stack of documents not long after. There were probably more than a hundred documents ready for Ryan to evaluate.


Ryan was bored out of his mind. He thought that none of the documents would be worth it.

He casually flipped through the documents. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he read one of the documents.

Healthy Living Company

Investment Return: 300%

Recommended Investment: 5-20 million

Reason: As the typhoon strikes, all the cargo ships will dock nearby. Before the typhoon is gone, they are not allowed to travel without authorization. The docks will not be able to import and export normally.

There are over 10 million Chinese and 2 million Germans in America. The people of those two nationalities mainly consume pork. Within two weeks of the typhoon, the supply of pork will be completely cut off from the market. If we use this opportunity to import a large amount of raw pork, it will definitely be highly profitable.

The word "Rejected" has been clearly written on this document by Ryan's father.

The reason for the rejection was very simple. Although the United States had more than 10 million Chinese, they were distributed in different states, and the Germans were concentrated in New York.

There came a risk when importing in large amounts. It was easy for the goods to be held for long periods of time, and there will be a pledge of assets, which will cause problems in the cash flow.

Normally speaking, it was indeed a wrong business move for Healthy Living Company to import large amounts of raw meat. But as they say — man proposes, God disposes.

A typhoon was going to arrive after some time. Moreover, the weather forecast had yet to predict it, so this was the best opportunity for the company to invest.

However, this company that had reached out to many investment companies was presumed to definitely be rejected.

'Thank god your company met an investment genius like me. Otherwise, I'm afraid that no one would invest in it.'

Just as Ryan was about to speak, one of his subordinates said, "Manager Ryan, please attend the conference that is starting now."

Hearing this, Ryan put down the documents in his hands, stood up, and followed the subordinate out of the office to the conference center.

Actually, he didn't need to attend this investment conference.

But this was the sensible thing to do because Ryan had brought the program team in.

They wanted to let tens of millions of viewers know how strict they were with their investments and how they handle them. This was the best way to promote the company's image.

Through the publicity, other companies will be knocking on the company doors to work with them.

So, Ryan was a pawn who was helping them.