There Is a Generation Gap Between the Father and Son!

Jon gave an answer that sounded appropriate but was slightly off-topic.

However, many parents who were watching agreed with him.

Being young was about going through blood, sweat, and tears.

The youth should work hard when they're still young. If they don't, they will have to pay a painful price when they enter society.

"This parent is so right. I must let my child watch this interview when he comes home."

"Did he forget how nervous he looked in class just now?"

"He's still speaking with that tone? I wonder how Ryan will react when he hears his father educating him?"

"I hope that his physics teacher will test his understanding of the subject in front of the whole class."

"Jon, you're awesome. You must work hard. Your son seems to be a little too outstanding, you currently don't hold a candle to his greatness..."

The scene switched.


After hearing Jon's answer, the host smiled and once again handed the microphone to Jon, "Mr. Jon, how do you think your son, Ryan, is performing? Or rather, what do you expect from him?"

Hearing the host's question, Jon perked up.

This question was ill-intentioned.

In the previous seasons, many parents had answered that although their children were playful, they would become better people if they were given real-life experiences.

This was considered a modest answer. Some parents unabashedly answered that their children must be doing well and cheered on them. However, the reality was the exact opposite.

A delivery guy's son extorted large amount of tips from the customers for when he delivered the takeout orders. 

A rich man's son made so many useless investments the company fell into a crisis. Thankfully, they were able to barely recover some of their losses with the exposure of the program team.

Meanwhile, the children of ordinary families began squandering money and living their lives like fuerdais upon receiving the allocated funds from the program team. 

It was a total mess!

The results were always a slap in their faces.

Jon knew what his son was like.

If he put in a good word, that devilish child would probably think that he was all that.

If all he did was criticize him, that brat might give up on himself.

If he only gave words of encouragement, that kid might not want to work hard.

It was truly a difficult question.

Jon was silent for so long the netizens were starting to get impatient.


Jon cleared his throat and said with a smile, "That's a good question."

"I know my son very well. He has many shortcomings, and I'm actually partly responsible for them.

I hope that the two of us can work together to overcome them. This is also the purpose of us joining this program"

"As for his current performance, I know for a fact that he is sitting in my office with his legs crossed, eating snacks, and watching the live streams of pretty girls! Even if he isn't, it should be something similar.

As for my job, he isn't competent enough to take over my position.

Investing may look like it's only about dumping money into other companies, but it actually requires a lot of professional knowledge. Since he has no knowledge of such, I don't think he can do it.

He must be really troublesome for the company."

Jon's words had a double meaning. He had flattered his company while explaining his son's incompetence without being too harsh and direct.

The original Ryan would have been touched if he had seen this interview.

But now...

In the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Your position? Your son resigned a long time ago."

"Haha, what do you mean he has no knowledge of investment? He earned a few million from the three stocks."

Jon was satisfied with his answer.

It was also what he truly thought of his son.

What else could that son of his be up to?

His son taking over his position and benefitting the company was out of the question.

"Besides that, I hope that he can take on some responsibility soon. As for his work and socializing, I hope that he won't force himself. As long as he can learn something, it's enough. As for his work performance and so on, I don't have high hopes, just go with the flow."


 Jon immediately had a look of urgency when he heard the sound of the bell.

"I'm not going to talk to you guys anymore. I'm going to class."

The host took back the microphone and concluded the interview.

Everyone looked at Jon's staggering figure running towards the classroom.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

"D*mn, the school bell totally changed my perception of Jon. If it weren't for the bell, I really would have thought that he was a straight-a student."

"The way he carried himself almost made me forget how nervous he was during class just now. The bell really rang on time, it brought me back to reality. Hahahaha."

"It's really hard to imagine how he'd react when he finds out how his son is doing."

"He would probably wake up from that dream of his and think that this is a dream."

"It's like waking up from a dream thinking that reality is a dream"

"Hahaha, Ryan is indeed unable to take over his position, because his job is gone."

"The person above, Ryan could return to the company any time. The company has offered him a salary of one million dollars a year. He's so awesome."

"If all decent people go stock trading, who else would play video games? Who else would check out pretty girls? Who else would socialize? It's impossible. If that's really the case, then he's not a brat after all. Looks like the generation gap between father and son is bigger than it seems."

"Socializing my *ss."

"The father really doesn't understand his own son. What's the point of going to school? Even the University of San Francisco has given his son an offer."

"See? Now that they have exchanged roles, we can see the problems in their relationship. Ryan is clearly an outstanding prodigy! He's an investment genius that even Professor Smith has taken a fancy to, but his parents see him as a worthless child..."

"Sigh, isn't this kind of tragedy? Adults really don't understand the world of young people?"

"This program is great. It helped me—a mother—understand many things."

"I wonder if the father can save his reputation during physics class?"

"Saving his reputation? In physics class? I don't even understand my child's 8th-grade physics.".

"Ryan is in high school, right?"

"Sigh, how sad. There's actually such a huge information gap between the father and son. To put it bluntly, they have a generation gap."

"Yeah, there's a generation gap."

"I'm a father. I've decided to communicate with my child from today onwards, even though my child has just been born."

"I'm a mother. I've decided to help my child with her homework more frequently, maybe supporting her more will help her excel in her studies."

"My child might also be an investment genius. I'll have to take him to the stock trading hall to have a look."

In the classroom.

The physics teacher deliberately looked at the oldest student that he had ever taught.

He turned around and wrote a question on the blackboard, before looking at Jon again.

Jon shuddered, he had a bad feeling about this.

"Jon, come up here and solve this problem about optics and electricity."