Why Hasn’t He Made a Move Yet?

An entire night had passed, that's right, an entire night.

Jon was almost completely in a daze. He did his homework until three in the morning.

What's worse, when he tried to sleep, all he could think of was formulas and theorems.

He only managed to watch the very end of the football game that he wanted to watch, he did not even know who won.

"That rascal, Ryan. Am I usually this strict with him?" Jon grumbled unhappily.

He had only slept for an hour when he got up.

He had enrolled Ryan in an elite school.

The mission of this school was not as simple as studying. They also had horse riding, fencing, judo, football, and other compulsory classes.

The poor in American had happy education, but the people of the elite class underwent pressure education.

The purpose of pressuring the students was to maximize and discover the potential of every student.

Therefore, the people who went to elite private schools far surpass the ordinary children who receive happy education.

Jon left at 5 o'clock sharp to go to school.

He had horsemanship class today.

It was an extracurricular program chosen by Ryan.

"It's just riding a horse, easy."

Jon thought it wasn't difficult at all.

But when he saw the other students handling their horses and jumping over obstacles, he was dumbfounded.

Jon's classmates controlled their horses and jumped over obstacles one after another.

They also got the horses to lay down, get up, and do all sorts of difficult movements.

A male teacher reined a horse over to Jon and said, "Mr. Ryan, ah no. Mr. Jon, this is your horse. Please carry out today's equestrian training."


Jon was stunned.

But he gritted his teeth and said in his heart, 'If he can do it, so can I.'

"Excuse me, does Ryan perform well during equestrian training?" Jon could not help but ask.

The male teacher answered very politely, "Although Ryan does not excel academically, his horsemanship is really good. He's considered the best in the class. At one point, we were thinking of letting Ryan focus on sports instead if he continued to struggle with his studies. Sigh... but now it seems..."

"But now it seems that it still isn't too late," the program team hurriedly interrupted the teacher.

The teacher understood what the program team meant, he almost let the cat out of the bag.

Jon gritted his teeth.

"I've ridden a horse before too, this shouldn't be a problem."

But when he mounted the horse, he was dumbfounded.

Controlling a horse is harder than it looks. Every minor change in the equestrian's movement will cause the horse to perform a different action.

For example, the number of times the equestrian taps horse's belly would result in the horse reacting differently.

Jon mounted the horse and said loudly, "Forward."

The horse was also stunned, and so was Jon. The horse stayed still.

Jon looked at how the others interacted with their horses.

'Do I tap the horse's belly with my toes three times?'

Jon immediately tapped the horse's belly with his toes three times in a row.

The horse he was on neighed and jumped out of the manège in a flash.

Jon cried out in surprise.


The teacher screamed, "Who told you to tap the horse's stomach in such a hurry? Slow down, slow down."

Jon's yells were garbled, "How do I make it stop?"

"It's the same as before, but you have to tap it slowly," the teacher said as he ran to catch up with the horse.

The horse was galloping at a crazed speed now.

Jon was nauseous, he felt his stomach churning.

But he remembered the teacher's words. He seized the opportunity and tapped the horse's stomach three times. The horse stopped abruptly, Jon fell off and let out a cry.

He fell four to five meters away from the horse.


Nobody expected this accident.

The teacher and the program team ran over to him.

"Jon! Jon! Are you okay?"

Jon stood up with his face covered in dust. He examined his entire body. Other than his ankle being slightly twisted, the rest of his body was fine.



Ryan went straight to the stock trading hall.

"Ryan, your father seems to have fallen off a horse. He's injured," someone commented.

Ryan frowned and said, "Was it a nasty fall?"

His question led to all kinds of comments in the live stream.

It only took Ryan a few seconds to get the full picture.

He created a social media account so that he could get a hold of some information.

The program team would not tell him anything about Jon.

But Ryan was now the father, the program team could not restrict him.

They couldn't stop an adult from opening a social media account, right.

"Oh my goodness, why do I feel like this isn't the real Father and Son Swap TV program?"

"Their roles are totally reversed. It's always Jon causing a ruckus. Look at Ryan, he's so calm. He earned over 30 million dollars in less than a day!"

Many viewers sent memes to the live stream room.

Ryan saw that they were screenshots of him scolding his superiors back when he was at Jon's company.

Ryan smiled and said, "These memes are so ugly. Do I really look that ugly when I'm scolding people?"

In the stock trading hall.

The other investors turned to look at Ryan as entered. Their gazes were as if they were looking at a God.

Many investors in the other stock trading hall were watching his live stream.

Ryan was an investment genius that even professor Smith praised. What was he going to do today?

However, Ryan had plenty of time so he only appeared at the stock trading hall in the afternoon.

Everything seemed so quiet.

Ryan looked at the big trading screen.

The veteran investors all looked at him with eager eyes.

They wanted to know what Ryan was going to do today, then they would all follow suit. This was very different from the cold attitude that they had yesterday.

There was only a two-hour trading time, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The veteran investors were all rubbing their hands in anticipation.

Ryan was late, but better late than never, at least he came.

Everyone in the live stream room cheered when they saw that Ryan was finally going to start trading.

Among the many viewers, there were quite a few of them who were also investing.

How could they miss such an easy opportunity to make money? No way.

"Why aren't you making a move yet?"

Time was ticking.

Everyone felt like cats on hot bricks.

"Ryan is good at this, I'll give it a go."

"I've already introduced my daughter to Ryan. We're family now, please lead me to success."

"Why are all of you like this? I've decided, I'll trade the same amount as him. I'll support him with all I have. It's not too much, right?"

Ryan was in the stock trading hall, the program team had him surrounded.

Everyone was looking forward to Ryan's amazing performance today.

His eyes kept sweeping across the screen, group after group of returns appeared in his mind.

Ryan was still calculating, he would rather not make a single penny than make a meager amount of money.

Now that he had money, he had to be bold.

'Western Digital Corporation.'

Return on Investment: -9%

Investment Cycle: 68 minutes.

Recommended Investment: 0 dollars.

Reason: Today, the Hengda Index of America, NASDAQ Stock Exchange, Nikkei 225 Index, and DAX Frankfurt Stock Exchange collectively suffered a setback. This has affected the investors of share market A, their shares have collectively plunged this afternoon, please invest carefully.

'Tonghe Corporate Group.'

Investment Return: -8%

Investment Cycle: 45 minutes.

Recommended Investment: 0 dollars.

Reason: Jiangcheng China's Hang Seng Index plunged today, causing America's share prices to plunge as well.

Half an hour had passed.

Ryan could not find a single stock that he was interested in. He could not help but frown.

Something was not right with today's stock market, stocks were collectively plunging.


The comments were flooding in. The investors at the stock exchange were getting restless and expressing their dissatisfaction.

Everyone was waiting for Ryan to make a move, but it had been half an hour, and Ryan was still just standing there.

Some investors couldn't help but want to buy their own stocks.

"What's going on? Why isn't he making a move?"