Citibank Headquarters!

Ryan stared at the crude oil futures, he was ready to make his move.

The stock trading hall was filled with screams of anguish.

"Limit-down! It really hit limit-down!"

The bald man went crazy. He tried to pull on his hair with both hands, but there was nothing on his head.

He even forgot that he was bald.

"Why is it at limit-down?"

The live broadcast room was also in chaos.

"Oh my God, I also bought pharmaceutical stocks just now."

Miserable wails filled the live broadcast, it was as if it were a slaughterhouse.

Many people had been optimistic about pharmaceutical stocks.

But now, it suddenly dropped by 10 points. When added with the expensive handling fees, the hefty sum was simply unbearable.

The host looked at Ryan, there was a glint in her eyes.

She leaned close to Ryan and said, "Mr. Ryan, do you need my service again tonight?"

"You can come if you want. It would be great if we could make use of the tools," Ryan whispered.

The host's face instantly turned red.

She still had vivid memories of yesterday's madness, she never imagined this 17-year-old young man to be so bold.

It's been a day but her legs were still trembling slightly.

Ryan looked at the big trading screen and shook his head.

Short-term stocks made money faster.

However, most of the stocks in the stock market would go down within the next three days.

Although individual stocks also rose, their cycles were extended.

Time was currently the most precious thing to Ryan.

It was nice being well-liked and rich. 

Everyone welcomed him no matter where he went.

He never had any scruples when it came to spending money.

He wanted to return to his peak.

Therefore, he wanted to buy crude oil futures and increase its leverage by ten times.

Ryan also said something half an hour ago, which led to him being labeled as a God.

"I'm guessing that this stock will hit limit-down."

The media was in an uproar because of this sentence.

"God-like Youth Appears in Certain Stock Trading Hall. Has God-like Prediction."

The chairman of Jon's previous company was watching the live broadcast, he slammed the table and said, "Withdraw investments in the fishing companies."

"Boss, please reconsider. There's no weather change today? Nothing can possibly go wrong."

Jon's opponent persuaded the boss.

The chairman said, "He literally has God-like predictions, do you think we should still take the risk and invest in the fishing industry?"


No one dared to say a word.

The chairman looked at the shareholders and said, "Our company has been able to survive in the capital market for this long because we venture capital and our principle of prudence.

If Mr. Ryan's prediction is right, then our company will plummet, we won't be able to operate the fund flow normally at all."

"Moreover, I spent the whole night doing a thorough study of the Book of Changes, a book that originates from ancient China in the east. I really learned a lot.

It is possible to calculate the outcome of events and the fate of people.

It's science, not superstition. Perhaps Mr. Ryan's friend really does exist," the chairman mumbled.

"If the weather doesn't change, we will at most lose our fund flow. However, if we invest a lot in the fishing industry, and a typhoon really comes, then we'll have to pay a painful price.

Do you see that baldy over there?"

The shareholders looked at the big screen showing the live broadcast. A bald man was lying on the ground, pounding his chest and stomping his feet in frustration.

They all looked uncomfortable.

Just a moment ago, the bald man had personally talked to Ryan, countless people were laughing at Ryan. But Ryan was right again.

He became a God again.

"Holy sh*t, you're a literal God, Ryan. Are you really going to invest in futures?"

"You're just called him God, there's nothing that he cannot do."

"I think it's okay for him to test the waters. Ryan has so much money anyway. Investing a few million dollars shouldn't be an issue."

"Futures are extremely unstable and are face many unpredictable risks. Sometimes, the percentage of price drop is 100%.

Futures really can make a rich man lose everything overnight."

"This is too exciting. First, he trades stocks, now, he's dabbling in futures. Futures are so risky! Then again, I'm starting to trust Ryan's judgment. Whichever future he chooses to invest in, I'll definitely follow suit."

"Haha, if you're going to follow Ryan, so will I. I'm just worried that you won't be able to keep up later."

"Tsk, why would that happen? Follow Ryan the Great, and you shall prosper."

"D*mn you, Ryan. You've made me lose a large sum of money. Will you compensate my loss?"

"Go to hell. Didn't Ryan the Great literally say, 'I say this stock will limit down?' You didn't listen and went ahead to invest. You're no different from an idiot."

"Boohoo—thank goodness I didn't invest. This is so scary!"

The cameraman seized the opportunity and pointed the camera directly at the stock investors in the stock trading hall.

"D*mn, that's awful. Why is that person pulling his hair out?"

"That baldy over there seems to have fainted. Should we call an ambulance?"

"Oh my God, the stock market is looking miserable today. Did that young man Ryan already predict this?"

"Mr. cameraman, I'll buy you dinner."

"F*ck, just dinner? I want to see Ryan the Great."

"The program team has enough funds, can all of you stop saying silly things? I want to see Ryan the Great."

The host saw the audience's complaints and realized the problem.

She went from patronizing him, to admiring him, and finally, to sharing a bed with him in a high-end hotel.

 The entire process didn't take her long, she was amazed at herself.

She had somewhat understood Ryan's way of doing things.

Yesterday, he bought three stocks without second thoughts and earned more than 6 million dollars.

After that, he bought a 3-million-dollar lottery ticket. These incidents showed how decisive Ryan was as a person.

However, Ryan had been silent ever since he entered the trading stock hall.

Something had to be wrong.

The host grabbed the microphone and went in front of the camera: "Everyone, as you can see on screen, it is 2.30 p.m., Ryan has not invested in any stock. Could he be aware of something? Perhaps this isn't just about Milu Pharmaceuticals, the stock market seems to be fluctuating.

The atmosphere in the stock trading hall has also become tense."

The host did not say anything explicitly, but her words clearly had a guiding effect.

Soon, the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately attracted and went straight to the main topic.

"F*ck... is this the calm before a collective plunge in the stock market?"

"Oh my God, could it be that Ryan the Great noticed something just now, so he did not invest in any of the stocks?"

"Please, this is the stock market. It's like a roller coaster, ups and downs are normal. Collective plunges don't happen that easily!"

"That's right, even the God of Stocks can't predict the financial crisis, right?"

"The person above makes sense. Two years ago, Mr. Buffett didn't survey the market thoroughly and lost more than 10 billion dollars in the capital market."

"Even if Ryan were a God, it's impossible for him to predict the turmoils of the entire stock market."

"You're all talking nonsense. I think that today's closing price will be higher than yesterday's. It's just that Ryan the Great is bored of stocks and wants to try some new and more challenging—like futures."

It was not just about stocks anymore.

There were too many people buying all kinds of stocks.

No one was hoping for the stock market to plunge.

But there were also smart people who took the opportunity to sell a portion of their stocks.

It was better safe than sorry.

This involved the benefits of too many people. Those who bought various stocks did not believe him at all.

The truth was that after only a minute, the stock market did rebound.

Today's closing price was definitely going to be higher than yesterday's.

The miserable-looking people at the stock exchange center were mostly those who had bought Milu Pharmaceuticals shares.

Some even had mocking looks on their faces.

These people do believe that Ryan can predict single stocks, but they did not believe that Ryan could see the entire stock market clearly.

The people were a little confused. They looked at the big trading screen and shouted collectively.




As for Ryan, he attracted the attention of many financial companies.

These companies came to the stock trading hall one after another. They were hoping to get some useful information from Ryan.

These companies paid attention to information analysis. Every time they encountered a financial hot spot, they would gather the financial staff of the company.

They analyzed the pros and cons and discussed the feasibility of investing.

There were two reasons why they paid so much attention.

The first reason was Ryan's strange behavior.

Ryan's judgment was too amazing.

Especially when he bought the three million lottery tickets, it was simply outstanding.

The second reason was to verify the authenticity of the matter.

In other words, Ryan was targeted by everyone in the financial world.

At Citibank headquarters.

This was the place that issued American dollars, formulated and implemented monetary strategies, prevented and defused financial risks, and maintained the financial stability of the country.

Most of the countries in the world used American dollars for their transactions.

The headquarters of this organization practically had absolute power.

At this moment, in the conference room, there was a big electronic screen the size of a wall.

On it was Ryan's live broadcast and the countless comments were flooding the screen.

A group of big shots were looking at the big screen.