What If I Make a Profit?

The actuary's exciting voice came out from the conference.

It was like a catalyst.

In the era of big data, almost anything could be calculated.

Normally, people would spend money with facial recognition. The more faces collected, the more the artificial intelligence could predict a person's age and appearance.

It could even collect people's buying habits and predict one's personality.

But this kind of big data skill was only in the hands of a few people, and there were many changes.

The atmosphere in the conference room also tensed.

In this conference, there was only one problem that needed to be analyzed and discussed.

And that was whether crude oil needed to be invested.

There was too much crude oil floating on the sea now. To exaggerate a little, crude oil was worthless.

The risk of investing in crude oil was very high.

However, as long as one incident passed and the price of crude oil rise slowly, then the storage would no longer be a loss. In comparison, once it became profitable, crude oil would become a hot commodity. It might even rise to a higher level to a point where its unstoppable.

Then, the current investment could reflect its value.

Moreover, the multi-country negotiations and the concessions of America should not prevent their own country from purchasing crude oil. There was no contradiction at all. It could even reduce the loss and might earn some money.

This already involved the national interest.

If this step went wrong, it would be a disaster. If the crude oil market didn't change in the short term, then it was possible that the funds would be locked up and cause even greater losses.

But the core of it all was still Ryan!

The publicly recognized investment genius in this society, could he predict the growth of crude oil accurately?

And Ryan's decision was mainly on the conference for the crude oil issue between the European Union and the east. Would America give in?

However, the headquarters of Citibank had the right to issue the existence of the US dollar. According to the various forms of the international situation, this kind of thing was unbelievable. But after the prediction of various data, the loss would be even greater if the United States did not give in.

Now, the entire world was using the US dollar for international trade. If many countries were to go against the US dollar at this time, the impact on America would be huge.

Therefore, America's control over crude oil had to stop. It was only a matter of time.

At most in two days, it would eventually lead to an agreement on crude oil trade.

From the looks of it, Ryan's investment would be reasonable.

But even with such information as proof, many present were still unwilling to believe it.

Because this was a big country game, it was filled with endless variables, and there were too many related uncertainties.

But even so, half of the people in the analysis conference still chose to raise their hands in agreement with Shen Fei's idea.

Half of them to agree on such a matter was already a very high certainty.

Therefore, all the elites present looked at Ryan as if they were looking at a monster.

Solely basing off the information on the Internet, no actuarial team, no big data, and only relying on himself to make such a prediction, if he wasn't a monster then what else could he be?

The silver-haired old man at the head of the conference room took a deep puff of his cigar. He stood up and slammed the table. "Call."

"For the sake of the country, we have to call."

"As for Ryan, we will consider whether to report it after the crude oil investment is over."

And the so-called "call" was not to follow Ryan's crude oil futures.

Instead, it was to take simple measures, which was to purchase directly.

The reason for this was very simple.

That was, if the European Union conference came to an agreement, when the price of crude oil was lower than water, they would buy low and sell high.

Between countries, it is the same as normal people does business.

Look at the timing of trade accurately, buy low and sell high. The only difference is that there are too many uncertainties in the game between the big countries.

But this level of timing prediction, there is too much knowledge in this.

In ancient times, when a general was fighting outside, it was said that the king's orders were not obeyed, but the king's orders controlled the victory of the entire war.

If they did not receive the order to attack and proceed to attack forcefully, perhaps the two countries were negotiating peacefully?

That would not be a good thing. It might trigger another conflict again.

So now, America and even the entire world, were paying attention to tomorrow's international conference at 1.20 am.

Everyone in Citibank's conference room was looking forward to this.

If this was really as expected and America made a concession, then the price of crude oil would soar.

At that time, the country-level financial machine would go crazy.

The time was fleeting.

The right place, the right time, and the right people, all were not to be missed.

In investments, there are successes and failures, accompanied by huge risks.

Now all the attention was on Ryan.

Ryan did not know what was happening here. If he knew, he would have said, "I'll stay low."

There was no time for gossip.

On Ryan's side, after he finished investing in crude oil, he left the stock trading hall amidst the wails of the investors.

What he did not know was that his investment was actually followed by the national team.

Even more so, he did not know that in addition to being followed in trading, his name was also on a special list.

And this list would go on and on in the future, eventually becoming Ryan's all-powerful pass.

Any country valued talents, especially those in the financial field.

At this moment, the stock trading hall was about to close, and the market was green.

Occasionally, red flashed for a few seconds, then turned green.

This was the market. The so-called market, no matter how much retail funds were injected, it wouldn't be able to bring back the dead.

Unless all of America's retail investors bought a stock, they would be able to fight against the market for a while.

This kind of thing had happened before. Once, in the financial center of America's Wall Street, all of the retail investors joined forces.

The investors howled in grief.

The stock price had fallen so much that it could no longer fall. It was already confirmed that there was no hope for the dividend.

The market plunged horribly, immediately knocking everyone out.

The old investors were at a loss for a moment and could no longer analyze rationally.

And after seeing that Ryan had invested in crude oil, they could not help but become even more desperate.

Could one invest in something like crude oil?

They had wanted to follow Ryan and invest in stocks to make a profit, but Ryan had not made a move at all?

The only thing he had done was to invest in crude oil futures.

The negative news about crude oil had spread throughout the world. It had already been two months. Those who invest in it would be involved too.

They thought that Ryan decided to join the stock market blindly this time because the market seems hopeless.

"Ryan is scamming people. Who doesn't know that crude oil is now a fire pit? Anyone who joins him is a fool?"

This was no difference from seeking death for no reason.

He was clearly a stock market expert. Why did he have to do futures?

It was impossible for a person to be proficient in both stocks and futures.

"Just now, who said that he wanted to follow Ryan's futures? Stand out. Why don't you follow him and let us take a look?"

"F*ck, I'll follow him. What can I do? I'll top up right now."

Those who had supported Ryan before could not withstand the stimulation and immediately threw 20,000 dollars into the crude oil.

"Impressive. Congratulations."

"Congratulations on your loss."

"Congratulations on your loss."

The comments were all over the place, and the people who supported Ryan's investment in futures were so embarrassed that they became angry. "What if I make a profit?"