Not Bad, Keep Up the Good Work!

Next, there was the depressing physics exam.

Jon was stunned when he saw the paper. Everything looked so familiar.

It seemed like he knew everything, but when he tried to do it, he was dumbfounded.

The students next to him were all rapidly writing.

Half of the examination time had passed and the only thing he wrote on the paper was "Jon".

If it was possible, he would rather not write that name.

'Oh my God, how can this be? I've read so many books yesterday. How could I not know a single answer?'

Suddenly, he saw a fill-in-the-blank question and his eyes lit up. He finally knew an answer.

Although it was only a fill-in-the-blank, it could also be an application question if he extended it a little.

This was because a lot of calculations had to be done on the draft paper.

This question had a total of 20 points.

'20 points. That's great! I'll just focus on this question.'

Jon's spirit was lifted, and his brain was performing at high speed.

The question was a parabola question.

Jon often saw parabola graphs before, so he understood it more or less.

It might be a difficult question for the other students, but a reasonable question for Jon.

He just needed to fill in the blank with a conclusion.

He began to write immediately.

The viewers of the live broadcast couldn't stop laughing.

Ryan's father's performance was so weak compared to his performance.

In contrast, his father had quite a number of viewers.

He even had more fans than Ryan.

Jon forgot about everything else.

It seemed like he wrote an entire essay on a blank piece of paper.

'Ah, this is great. Finally, I can get a little more points. I just need to calculate two more formulas to get the result.'

Jon was a little excited.

He was about to fight the final battle.


Suddenly, the bell to indicate the end of the exam rang.

Jon almost blacked out.

'No, it can't be.'

The teacher on the podium said, "Stop writing and turn in your papers. No one is allowed to write anymore, or the score will be invalid."


Jon let out a loud cry.

Everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Had this parent who played a student gone crazy on the second day of school?

He frightened everyone.

"What's wrong, Jon?" The blonde-headed teacher frowned and asked.

It was only then that Jon realized he had unknowingly stood up in agitation.

"Teacher, can you give me a little more time? I have one question that I haven't finished yet," Jon said.

 How could the time be up? He was only doing one question.

"No," The teacher dismissed him directly. Then, she remembered the uniqueness of this student and felt that she should not have rejected him that way.

Thus, her expression softened slightly as she said, "Jon, this is the school's rule. Ryan usually followed it as well. So it is not acceptable."

Jon felt as if his heart had been struck by lightning.

He looked at the blank paper and had a crazy impulse.

"Hahaha, what a joke. At first, he was stunned. Then, he started answering the questions vigorously but in the end, he's going to get zero marks."

Jon wanted to randomly pick the answers to the multiple-choice questions.

But he suddenly remembered that he had called Ryan an idiot for randomly answering his test papers before.

The paper was handed in.

Jon was a little dumbfounded as he stared at the 8 marks he got.

'Ugh, I need to take this back and get that brat to sign it—'

He muddled through the next two classes.

Jon was a little dazed as he held the paper and arrived at the doorstep.

He still remembered what the teacher had said, "We'll definitely watch the entire program. I hope that Jon will be a hard-working student and influence Ryan, so that after the program ends, Ryan can come back to school with some peace of mind."

For some reason, Jon always felt that the teacher was holding back her laugh when she said it.

What he didn't know was that Ryan's teacher had seen Ryan's performance in the past two days.

He was an investment genius, yet he thought of himself as an idiot.

There was only one reason for that and that was Ryan's parents.

6 p.m.

The sun shone on Jon's face.

But he did not feel any of the warmth.

"F*ck, 8 marks. Is that even the result of a human? Even people who cheat don't just get 8 marks, right? This is hilarious."

"Hahaha, did you guys see Jon take a physics test just now? I even spitted out my food."

"You spitted your food? I peed myself."

"Hahaha, you're out of luck, Jon. Back in the day, I could have gotten at least 30 to 40 marks."

"Also, there is no way you can fake the parent's signature."

"I want to watch the father-son performance."

"Why isn't he going in?"

"Come on, enter already."

Everyone laughed at the sight of Jon pacing back and forth on the doorstep.

"Prepare to experience pain."

People were getting active in the comments.

After hesitating for a while, Jon pushed the door open and entered.

He looked like a child who had done something wrong as he awkwardly scratched his head and stood uneasily.

However, Ryan sat on the sofa and was not too surprised.

He had already predicted that scene as people had told him everything through his social media account.

Usually, the father-son swap program mainly focused on the son's growth.

But now, it was truly a swap.

The son's performance was amazing, but the father???

Ryan sat on the sofa and said softly, "I believe you know that we have swapped positions."

"Yes—" Jon blushed.

"I have experienced your work quite well. You're allowed to verify it. Now, I want to see your performance," Ryan continued.

He was actually trying to hold back a laugh when he saw Jon's distress as he said this.

Though, most of the viewers couldn't take it anymore.

"Wahahaha, I can't take it anymore. This is good acting. Ryan portrayed the father role quite well."

"Yeah, Ryan sure has some good acting skills."

"Bring me the test paper that you thought was so easy to pass with my eyes closed," Ron said.

Jon's face was as red as fire.

He walked towards Ryan, threw the paper to him, and lowered his head.

Ryan slammed the table and said, "Is this how you treat your father?"

"You dare throw the paper to me?"

"Pick it up and hand it to me personally," Ryan said fiercely.

Jon held back his anger. There was nothing he could do. He was guilty.

The program team immediately gave Jon a close-up.

Jon saw the camera filming him and almost rushed over to hit the cameraman.

'Patience, patience.'

Jon picked up the paper and handed it to Ryan.

He did not even dare to open his eyes as he waited for the upcoming storm.

Normally, if he saw such a test score from Ryan, he would naturally give him a beating.

However, Ryan was very calm. He looked at the paper for a while and wrote a few lines on it, "Hmm— Your courage is commendable. It's not too bad of a job. Cheer up. Although it's only 8 marks this time, I'm sure you'll pass if you work harder in the future."