Subduing Ran Xuan, the Guest Elder

She was quite arrogant!

Ye Chen cocked an eyebrow, feeling a bit displeased. In response, he directly activated Leader's Coercion!


A powerful aura instantly swept toward the woman!

The woman's expression changed drastically, and she promptly retreated. At the same time, she turned the ring on her hand lightly.

A strange fragrance and mist rose before a barrier wrapped around her tightly.

However, she soon discovered that the aura did not carry any lethality. It was obvious that the man in front of her was just trying to intimidate her.

"Nothing better to do!"

The woman gritted her teeth. Although she was angry, she knew that if they really started fighting, she would not be able to deal with that sword on her own.

The threat of an immortal artifact was too great, especially for a spirit like her that did not have a physical body.

With just one sword attack, the immortal weapon's sharpness would be enough to kill her.

"After a long journey, listening to the life stories of others might be beneficial for me."

Ye Chen jumped off the Seven Extremes Sword and sat down on a stone beside the woman. He even patted it.


The woman suddenly felt that this young man before her was not just bored.

She glanced at Ye Chen but did not sit down. Instead, she walked a little farther away, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance while slowly starting to talk about her past.

It turned out that her name was Ran Xuan, and she was a cultivator from outside the eastern continent. She was the Palace Master of the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace. At her prime, she had been in the Peak Body Departure Realm, dominating the whole region.

At the same time, she had also been an expert in alchemy, making her an extremely rare Heaven Rank alchemist.

The classification of alchemists was not that complicated. Heaven Rank was the highest, but there were many ranks. Its four ranks of Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow were each split into 10 levels.

If the ranks were the same, then the degree of alchemy would be classified according to its level.

The higher the rank in alchemy, the more complicated and higher the level of alchemy one could perform.

The higher the level of alchemy, the higher the success rate in producing pills and the better the quality.

For example, Heaven Rank alchemists, no matter their level, had the ability to make pills for Mind Splitting Realm cultivators. That was extremely rare.

At that moment, Ye Chen had the intention to recruit her.


"The sect has detected that the leader is trying to take in the soul of a high-ranking alchemist. The sect is glad, so it has generously offered you a gift package.

"You have obtained the Earth Fire, Thunder Extinguishing Flame, which is ranked 46th on the Divergent Fire List.

"You have obtained the Low-Grade immortal item, Soul-Retaining Jade Pendant.

"You have obtained Immortal Spirit Grass.

"You have obtained Elders' lounge and cultivation room."

"Your sect's Dispensary Pavilion is unwilling to fall behind, and it has quickly offered the Low-Grade immortal tool, Meridian Yang-Extending Furnace.

"Your sect's Inheritance Pagoda wants to fight for its reputation and has begun to automatically level up in an attempt to find more of heaven's best.

"Your sect's Weapon Refining Peak and Scripture Collection Pavilion have been inspired, so they have increased their efforts to develop more powerful cultivation methods as well as treasures on their own."


As Ye Chen listened to the system's announcements one after another...

He revealed a relieved smile.

He had just planned to rope in Ran Xuan when the sect threw out a big gift bag at the next second.

The sect was really working hard for its leader!

He liked it!

Ye Chen then looked at the cold and proud woman.

With a thought in mind, he took out the Immortal Spirit Grass and started to fiddle with it.

A pure and clear qi began to spread out.

It seemed to have a power that could cleanse one's soul, which attracted Ran Xuan's attention.

When she saw the spirit grass in Ye Chen's hand, she was shocked.

"Immortal Spirit Grass?

"Immortal Spirit Grass that can nourish the soul and rebuild the body?

"How did you get it?"

Immortal Spirit Grass was a legendary herb. It had been extinct for a long time. How could it appear in such a remote part of the eastern continent?

Even if it existed, how could it be in the hands of this small and unknown sect?

"Don't worry about how I got it."

Ye Chen raised his brows and put his hands behind his back. "Just tell me if you want it or not."

Ran Xuan pursed her lips slightly. Although she looked calm on the outside, the fluctuations in her eyes showed that she was not as calm as her exterior appearance suggested.

To be in contact with increasingly rare herbs was kind of appealing to all alchemists.

Therefore, the Immortal Spirit Grass would naturally bring a lot of temptation.

At that point, Ran Xuan only had a wisp of her soul left. Her body had been destroyed, so she needed this rare spirit medicine to recover her body.

Hence, the medicine's allure would be further magnified.

Saying that she did not want it would be a lie, and no one would believe it.

However, if she wanted it, she would have to pay a certain price.

Ran Xuan was well aware of that.

She took a deep breath and looked at Ye Chen seriously. "Fellow Daoist, what do you want?"

"As I've said before, just tell me whether you want it or not."


"Then beg me! If you beg me, I will give it to you!"

Ran Xuan looked at him as if she was looking at a fool, with a faint smile on her face. "I know. You just want me to join your sect and help you refine pills, correct?"

"No, I've changed my mind now. I want to hear you beg me."

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged even though he had been exposed.

"Your leader sent you here, right?" Ran Xuan sneered.

"If you piss me off, I'm afraid that you won't be able to do anything."

"I'm sorry, I am the leader."


"What? I don't look like it?"

Ye Chen's expression changed to a more serious one, and a strange power spread out.

Ran Xuan gritted her teeth. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I am just trying to scare you. Come at me!"

The Seven Extremes Sword then flew toward her. Its colorful light covered the sky and earth, directly increasing the power of the attack by two times.

Ran Xuan's soft chest rose and fell; she was obviously livid. Her eyes, which had been fixed on Ye Chen, seemed to turn into ice.

After a long silence, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "I did not expect the leader of the Grand Mystery Sect to be so shameless."

"You dare to bully a weak girl like me?"

Ye Chen smiled and continued on her behalf.


Ran Xuan clenched her fists, trying to hold back the urge to attack. She stared at him coldly. "I agree to join the Grand Mystery Martial School and become a guest elder. I will provide at least ten batches of pills that are within the Golden Core Realm each year. All of my needs will be provided by the sect. What do you think?"

Ye Chen nodded. Ten batches of pills a year with ten pills in one batch, and they would all be suited for Golden Core Realm warriors. That was already pretty good.

"As for this Immortal Spirit Grass..."

Ran Xuan snorted. "Don't worry, I won't take it for free. Just give it to me when the leader thinks that what I have done is worth it."

"Huh? What a pity."

Ye Chen sighed. "I originally said that I would give it to you after you agreed to join the Grand Mystery Sect. Who knew that fellow Daoist Ran was a person with integrity. Not accepting free gifts is worthy of admiration!"

Those words immediately made Ran Xuan's fingertips tremble.

He was definitely doing it on purpose!

There was no doubt that he was doing it specifically to anger her!

If she had not known that she would not be able to win, she would have definitely fought Ye Chen!