Shameless! Extremely Shameless!

Ye Chen's price almost suffocated Ran Xuan.

One trillion... It was one trillion.

What kind of concept was that?

Based on a rough calculation, even if Ran Xuan could earn one hundred thousand contribution points every day, it would still take twenty-seven thousand years for the full exchange.

Besides, that was under normal circumstances.

If she didn't obtain enough sect contribution points, this time would be infinitely extended.

This was f*cking...

If she could live for 20,000 years, she would be able to transcend the tribulation and ascend!

At that time, would she still care about a mere immortal artifact?

Ran Xuan's expression had already frozen and gradually became numb.

"I don't want to buy it!"

"Hey, don't do that, boss. If you want to bargain, I might just agree."

"Get lost!"

"How dare you talk back to your superior. I'm not going to sponsor you anymore!"

In the end, Ran Xuan still gave in and could only follow this shameless sect leader.

Just as Ye Chen had stated, the jade pendant, which was an immortal item, was much stronger than her ring.

She desperately needed this item to nourish her soul and recover her power.

However, she would never choose to buy it.

Even though the interest rate was only 20,000 contribution points per day and it seemed to be less than her loan, she still needed to pay back the principal of the loan, as well as the remaining 99.99%!

In total, it would definitely not be less than 100,000.

That way, the jade pendant would completely tie her to the Grand Mystery Sect. It was definitely a losing deal.

Ran Xuan suddenly looked at Ye Chen differently.

Not only did she feel that Ye Chen was extremely shameless, but she also felt that he was incredibly sinister.

Ye Chen did not mind at all, as he smiled and handed over the two items with both hands.

"Elder Ran, from now on, we will be relying on you for all the medicinal pills in the sect."

Ran Xuan was expressionless. "Where is the Spirit Herb Garden?"

"There is none."

"Then how am I going to refine the pills?"

"Go out and buy the herbs.

"Oh, right." Ye Chen slapped his forehead. "The sect has just started, and everything is still in a state of chaos. We don't have many spirit stones, so we will have to trouble Elder Ran to work together with the disciples to mine the ores and be self-sufficient. Of course, the sect will provide you with the corresponding contribution points."


All of this was definitely planned!

It was utterly shameless!

Ran Xuan suddenly came to a realization.

The Grand Mystery Sect's leader had definitely planned everything from the start. He used an Immortal-Grade spirit herb and an Immortal-Grade jade pendant to lure her into the trap step by step!

He had made her work for the Grand Mystery Sect for free!

He had turned her into a brick for the sect, moving her wherever he needed to!

Yet, she had agreed to all of this herself!

She had been too careless. Her one thousand years of life had been wasted.

She had been tricked by a teenager!

Ran Xuan wanted to cry, but no tears would come out.

Using the Bone Age Observation method, she could easily tell that Ye Chen's bone age was only eighteen years old.

A person's bone age equaled their actual age, so it could not be fake.

It was because of this that she had been wrong from the beginning, not believing that Ye Chen was the leader of the Grand Mystery Sect.

It was already too late to regret it now.

After getting on the boat, it would be very difficult to escape.

Looking at the extremely smooth mountain defense array that was shining with a light illumination, Ran Xuan let out a heavy sigh.

Seeing this, Ye Chen reached out to pat her shoulder but missed.

He had forgotten that she was still a remnant soul. Even if he did not like it, he could only look at her and not touch her.

Even so, Ran Xuan still turned around cautiously and retreated a few meters away, staring at him coldly. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. You don't seem too happy. I was just trying to comfort you."

"I don't need it!" Ran Xuan emphasized each word.

"All right, All right. If you don't want it, then you don't. Why are you so fierce?"

Ye Chen rolled his eyes. Suddenly, he thought of a question and casually asked, "Have you never had a Dao partner before?"


"No wonder. I was wondering why anyone would want such a fierce person."

"Say that again!"

"I was just joking. Why are you so serious?

"Oh right, have you ever dual cultivated before?"

"Ye Chen! Draw your sword!"


Ye Chen left the Pill Cauldron Peak as if he was running away.

Before leaving, he left the Immortal Spirit Grass behind and threw a note beside it.

Ran Xuan took an hour to calm herself down. Gritting her teeth, she did not take the immortal spirit herb. Instead, she picked up the note and started to read it.

"The spirit herb is free and there's no need for any contribution. Feel free to eat it. Of course, if you feel that you're not beautiful enough to deserve this immortal spirit herb, you can throw it away."

It was a short note.


The anger in Ran Xuan's heart had mostly disappeared. She crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it to the side. "I am the most beautiful immortal in the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace. How could I not deserve a mere Immortal-Grade Spirit Grass?"

After muttering to herself, she started to think again. Ye Chen had given her the Immortal Spirit Grass and told her to eat it without worry. Was he secretly praising her beauty?

A strange feeling arose in her heart. Ran Xuan looked at the paper that had been thrown to the corner. After hesitating for a while, she picked it up again and held it close to her body.


Dragon Head Peak, in the leader's hall.

"Leader, Xiao Huohuo has been brought here."

Gong Lingyun's sweet voice echoed in the palace.

Ye Chen waved his hand and sat up straight, showing the dignity of a leader.

Gong Lingyun immediately retreated to one side of the hall.

"Xiao Huohuo pays his respects to the leader!"

A figure knelt down on the ground. Xiao Huohuo had passed the trial.

Right then, he looked like a mess. His whole body was covered in burn marks. No one knew what he had encountered in the array.

However, with his Yang Flame Hellfire Body, he would only benefit.

"You have passed the entrance test, and you are now a part-time disciple of our sect. Do you have any objections?"

Ye Chen's calm voice rang out.

"I would like to ask for your permission, Master." Xiao Huohuo lowered his body even more.

Gong Lingyun frowned slightly. Why did this new disciple look so stupid.

He had just entered the sect, and he was already asking for the sect leader's permission?


Ye Chen had already guessed what he was going to do.

It probably had something to do with taking Ran Xuan in.

"There is a ring outside the mountain gate. It contains the soul of a senior disciple, and it has been isolated by the great array.

"Please allow me to take the senior disciple in."

As expected, it was just as Ye Chen had guessed.

His eyes were calm, and he did not say anything.

Seeing that, Gong Lingyun immediately said, "The leader has already returned to the sect with a woman. She should be your senior."


Xiao Huohuo raised his head in joy.

Gong Lingyun smiled. "How could your senior sister lie to you?"

At this time, Ye Chen slowly said, "She is now living on Pill Cauldron Peak and is a guest elder of the Grand Mystery Sect. She is in charge of matters concerning medicine."

"If you have time on a normal day, she will go back and visit you."

Xiao Huohuo was overjoyed. "Thank you, Master! Thank you, senior sister!"

"You can leave now. If there is anything else, your senior sister will tell you."
