The Young Man’s Guesses and Actions

When the old man heard this, he immediately revealed an interested expression.

"Oh? Why can't they form an alliance or something else?"

The young man smiled and said, "If they form an alliance, there's no need for the two of them to appear one after the other to intimidate us. Moreover, there's resentment between them. If it's something else... I'm sorry, this disciple really can't think of anything else."

"If that's the case, what do you think we should do?"

As soon as the old man said this, the elders below were immediately stunned.

The meaning of the sect leader's words... Could it be that he wanted to groom him to be the next sect leader?

For a moment, everyone was talking to each other through voice transmission. On the surface, they remained calm.

The young man, on the other hand, understood that this was a test that his master had brought to him. He wanted to see if he could convince the crowd, so he continued to answer.

"I've read the files of the Grand Mystery Sect. It's nothing more than a feud between the former sect master and the elders of our sect over a breakthrough spiritual herb. However, the other party has already died, and the sect was exterminated because of this. It's only right that the feud should be resolved."

Someone on the scene was immediately dissatisfied. "How can this be? The Crying Daoist's corpse is not even cold yet, and you actually said such a thing? If this gets out, I'm afraid that all the cultivators in the world will laugh at Our Blazing Sun Sword sect for being afraid of the Grand Mystery Sect!"

"Elder Ku, please calm down. I haven't finished speaking."

The young man did not care about the other party's disrespect and continued, "The matter that has been settled is only the grudge from before. Now, the Sect Master of Grand Mystery sect has destroyed hundreds of disciples of my younger generation first, and after killing the elders of my blazing sun sword sect, no matter what, he will not let this matter rest!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's displeasure instantly disappeared, and they listened to him continue speaking.

The young man cupped his hands towards the old man and said respectfully, "However, the grand mystery sect has rebuilt their sect overnight. We don't know what's inside, and the mountain protection array is very powerful. I'm afraid it's no ordinary sect."

"What does Hong 'er mean?"

"That's right. The Grand Mystery sect must have received the help of an external sect."

The young man said firmly, "If it's not an accident, then it must be the rival sect of the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace!"

The elders immediately discussed among themselves.

"The Purple Rainbow Celestial Palace..."

The old man nodded. He had indeed thought of this, so he hesitated whether to order an attack on the grand mystery sect.

However, it was inappropriate for the leader of his sect to say this, so he could only let his disciple say it.

The young man observed his expression and continued, "In my opinion, we can just sit back and do nothing."

"It is very likely that the Grand Mystery Sect was supported by a rival sect of the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace, a sect that was placed in the eastern continent to intentionally obstruct the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace's trip. At the same time, it was also the first nail that was planted in the eastern continent."

"The matter of the Devil Soul Swamp is very likely to be a warning from him."

"From the testimonies of the elders who survived from the various sects, it is very likely that the Grand Mystery Sect is an expert in the Body Departure Realm."

Body Deperture Realm!

Everyone was shocked.

Even the old man had a solemn expression on his face.

Even they didn't know about this news.

It seemed that this young man had put in a lot of effort and conducted a thorough investigation into this incident.

"If not for this, he wouldn't have been able to intimidate the people of the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace so easily."

The young man said with certainty, "If we want to take revenge, is there anyone among us who is comparable to an expert at the leaving Aperture Realm?"

His words caused everyone to fall silent.

That's right.

During the leaving aperture realm, not to mention the east continent, even if it was placed outside, it would still be an expert. Becoming a first-rate sect's grand elder would not be a big problem.

Let alone their east continent?

"Isn't our east continent separated from the central continent by the East China Sea? The East China Sea is constantly plagued by natural disasters. How did they get here..."

The young man's words made a lot of sense. It was also the most likely scenario.

This inevitably made everyone feel a little dejected.

Although they didn't understand how the other party got here, the truth was already there. They were powerless to change it.

The young man was also unable to explain this problem, so he remained silent.


The old man pondered for a long time before saying, "If the central continent comes and wants to interfere with the east continent's forces, what do you think we should do?"

This meant that they had to consider taking sides.

Although the various forces in the eastern continent wanted to pull the Azure Cloud Gate off the stage of being the number one sect in the eastern continent, no matter how much they fought, it would still be their own people fighting against their own people.

However, once an external force invaded, they wanted to split this piece of land.

But they were also unwilling.

Right now, there were two choices before their eyes. One was to tacitly agree to this situation, and the other was to share this situation and discuss with the various large sects how to deal with the foreign invasion.

The existence of the Grand Mystery Sect was no longer a personal grudge.

It was a matter of righteousness. It was a decision that concerned whether all the forces in the east continent could continue to enjoy the resources they had now.

With the rise in the level of power, the original conflicts no longer existed.

Faced with such a difficult problem, the elders did not dare to make any rash assertions. After all, no one could shoulder this responsibility.

An expert in the Body Departure Realm was enough to kill most of the sects in the eastern continent alone.

Looking at the elders who were usually chattering away, but when the time came, they would drop the ball and not dare to say a single word, the old man was instantly infuriated.

"Hong'er! Tell me, what are your thoughts!"

His tone was extremely stern, but it was obvious that he was venting his anger on everyone.

The young man knew that his chance had come, so he took a step forward and walked to the center of the Great Hall.

"Master, from my point of view, we should sit tight and investigate what those people from the central continent are thinking before we make a decision."

Hearing this, the old man showed some anger on his face. He snorted and said, "If we can go to the central continent, do you still need to say it? Just the tornado near the sea, even a master at the peak of the infant stage can't do anything to it!"

"Master, please calm down."

The young man was calm and collected. He took out a storage ring from his sleeve and presented it to the old man. "In this ring, I found a flying boat that was bought by a master craftsman from all over the east continent at a great price."


The old man waved his hand and held the ring in his hand. He used his spiritual sense to look inside and saw an exquisite flying boat.

However, he was a little puzzled and asked, "Isn't this kind of craftsmanship only known by the artifact masters of the central continent? When did someone in our East continent learn it?"

"Master, you may not know this, but a tomb was explored a thousand years ago. It was confirmed that it was a cultivator at the split-soul stage who returned from the central continent. There was this damaged flying boat in his storage ring. The Artifact Masters of our East Continent only repaired it," the young man explained.

"Can you duplicate it?"

"Not yet."

"Well, you have done a great service."

The old man felt a little regretful, "In that case, who is willing to drive this flying boat to the central continent to investigate the situation?"

The young man volunteered, "Master, I am willing to go!"