The Demon Cave Opens

Vertical Sun.

An ink-colored vortex appeared at the outer gate.

It was the demon cave.

The group of disciples discussed animatedly.

"Who do you think will stand out in this experiential learning?"

"If it was when I first entered the sect, I would definitely think it was senior brother Xiao Huohuo and senior sister Gong Lingyun. But now... it's hard to say."

"Yeah, they haven't chosen their natal technique and their cultivation has stagnated. There are already many junior brothers whose talent isn't as good as theirs who have surpassed them."

"Didn't the sect leader give senior brother Xiao a treasure yesterday? Do you think he will surpass them?"

"That's hard to say. There's too little time. Can he do it..."

"Eh! Senior brother Xiao Is Here!"

"Wow! He's already at the Core Formation Stage!"

"I'm afraid he'll definitely be the first place this time."

"Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah, senior brother is so handsome. I really want to be his dao companion Ah Ah Ah! !"

"... Ah this... compared to senior brother Xiao, why do I feel that the sect leader... looks better..."

"Shut up! The sect leader can only watch from afar!"

The expressions of the thousands of disciples were fascinating. They were shocked by the impact of Xiao Huohuo condensing a pill in one day.


Xiao Huohuo walked over with a majestic aura, and the disciples could not help but make way for him.

He looked around and stood next to someone on the stage.

It was Ran Xuan.

Last night, Ran Xuan had returned to the Grand Mystery Sect. After some discussion, she would take Ye Chen's place and take care of him.

To put it bluntly, she was just a person who maintained order.

Before the trial started, she took Gong Lingyun and Xiao Huohuo and sneakily gave them a bottle of pills.

"After you enter, take it. Find a place to meditate for an hour and you will be able to absorb it."

"Elder Ran, this..."

"Shh, I hid it behind the head master's back. That bastard is too stingy, he wouldn't even give you a bottle of medicinal pills."

Hearing Ran Xuan's words, Gong Lingyun immediately became nervous. She was afraid that others would hear her words, and her small face turned red.

Xiao Huohuo coughed lightly and looked away, pretending not to hear anything.

"Leader... he is not that kind of person. He wants to manage the whole sect. The resources should be allocated properly, and there should be no favoritism." Gong Lingyun tried to explain for Ye Chen.

Ran Xuan did not care. "Pooh! He is just stingy!"

"Junior brother Xiao even got a heaven rank pill yesterday, as well as a cultivation art and a couple hundred of spirit stones."

"What?! I begged him for a long time, but he still didn't give it to me. Yesterday, he gave Xiao Huohuo so many spirit stones?!"

Ran Xuan was so angry that she stomped her feet. She even wanted to tear Ye Chen apart.

Gong Lingyun and Xiao Huohuo instantly did not dare to make a sound.

Not long after, the secret realm officially opened.

All the disciples had obtained a token from the sect's consular pavilion.

Once danger appeared in the secret realm, they could crush the token at any time and withdraw from the trial.

This could also be considered as a kind of insurance measure.

The Demonic Cave was an independent small world, extremely rare.

Opportunities and dangers coexisted inside. The seemingly peaceful and safe environment could suddenly become dangerous in the next second.

Not only did it test the disciples' ability to adapt, but it was also a rather challenging test for their actual combat ability.

Many disciples chose to team up to explore, and all the resources obtained were divided equally among the teams.

Of course, there were also many lone Rangers.

Because those who came here were all fellow disciples, everyone tacitly did not attack their own people.

Although the rules allowed them to compete with each other.

However, they all knew in their hearts that this was probably one of the tests that the Hierarch Zhenren had given them.

If they were able to attack their own people, it was hard to say what kind of temperament they had. If they were placed in the sect, they would definitely be a disaster.

It was also because of this that many disciples would only greet him with a smile when they saw a treasure being picked by someone they did not know.

Seeing that everyone was getting along with each other, Ye Chen, who was using the sect map to observe the situation, could not help but smile in satisfaction.

Being able to face a treasure without being greedy was also a test of one's character.

If there was really such a kind of person who did not care about the friendship between fellow disciples and made a move, or even forced them to leave, Ye Chen would not mind cleaning up the place on the spot.

He needed a mysterious great sect with a strong cohesive force and a united front against the outside world.

It was okay to have healthy competition within the school, but it could not be overdone. They would do anything for their own benefit.

It was a dangerous place inside the secret realm.

A lot of people had encountered powerful beasts after going deep into the secret realm.

These monsters had different abilities, making it hard to guard against them.

Soon, some people couldn't hold on any longer. They crushed the teleportation token and gave up on the trial, ending their three-day trip to the demonic cave ahead of schedule.

They naturally had no chance of getting the first prize.

Other than these weak disciples, there were also many outstanding existences who relied on their own cultivation to fight their way out.

Xiao Huohuo was one of them.

Among the four statues, there was a divine beast, the Vermillion Bird.

With his spirit root, he had trained for only one day and one night. With the help of his heaven rank martial arts and his natural talent, he had become the second most powerful warrior in the martial school, only behind Ye Chen and Ran Xuan.

Late condensing pellet stage, he was already worthy of being called the head disciple of the martial school.

Moreover, during his breakthrough, Dao Qing Tai had also given him an earth rank martial art, which was extremely powerful.

Combined with the Yin Yang power that he had learned in the Yin Yang Treasure Pavilion, it was even more powerful.

After killing several beasts of the same level, he had become extremely powerful for a while, and the value of the spoils of war that he had obtained far surpassed others.

However, compared to his valor, Gong Lingyun, who was his senior sister, seemed to be very mediocre.

Without any cultivation method, she had only relied on her own slow absorption of spirit power to reach the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm.

She hadn't even reached the condensing Dan stage yet.

Compared with over eighty percent of the disciples of the Grand Mystery Sect, she was already at a disadvantage.

When Ye Chen turned his gaze to Gong Lingyun, he could not help but be startled.

"Eh? But why did this girl come to such a secluded place?"

"Taking off her clothes? Is she going to take a bath?"

Ye Chen was immediately energized as he stared at her intently.

What do you mean 'don't look, don't listen'? It's all bullsh*t!

He was concerned about his disciple's safety. What if there was a beast in the water? What if something happened to Gong Lingyun!

This was the only one in the Grand Mystery Sect who was blessed by fate. It was a precious treasure!

Even if one of them died, his heart would ache for a long time.

Therefore, he opened his eyes wide and watched Gong Lingyun take off her clothes and sit cross-legged by the water.

It seemed like she was going to train.

"Why don't you take off your clothes? It's not good to train with clothes on." Ye Chen sighed with pity.

In the sect's interface, Gong Lingyun took out two bottles. They were the pills that Ran Xuan had given her to temper her body.

The extra bottle was given to her by Xiao Huohuo. He already had a heaven-grade cultivation technique, and tempering his body was just icing on the cake. There wasn't much need for it, so he might as well give Gong Lingyun a boost.

After consuming the pills, a pained expression quickly appeared on Gong Lingyun's face. At the same time, the pores all over her body opened and closed, and countless milky-white spiritual energy was pushed into her body by the medicinal power. Then, it brought out countless black impurities and stuck to her skin.

After a long while, Gong Lingyun frowned and opened her eyes.

A bright light shone from her eyes, and her entire temperament underwent a great change.

However, in the next second, when she smelled the strange smell coming from her body, her expression became incomparably terrified.

Dirty Things were the natural enemies of girls!

She hurriedly stood up. After making sure that there was no one around, she took off the remaining clothes on her body and jumped into the water with a splash.

"D*mn! Awesome!"

A voice came from the Hierarch's cultivation room.