Number One, the Sect's Development

All of the disciples sighed with emotion.

With a score of more than one thousand points, he would probably be top-ranked in the sect for a long time.

While they were still excited, Ye Chen's powerful voice echoed in the whole sect.

"In this training, Xiao Huohuo is ranked first. We will give him a Heaven Rank martial art; Gong Lingyun is ranked second, and she will be rewarded with an Earth Rank magic treasure. Tuoba Changge is ranked third, and he will be rewarded with a Top-Grade Black Rank martial art.

"From the fourth to the tenth place, there will be corresponding rewards. You can go to the Consular Pavilion to check it out."

"The rest of the disciples within the top 100 have the qualifications to be promoted to outer-sect disciples. As long as they spend some of their contributions, they will be able to exchange for corresponding identity cards."

"Those disciples who are not on the list can continue to work hard. From today onwards, the Demonic Cave will be opened once a month. It will last for three days. The new challengers will be ranked within the top 100, and they will also have the qualifications to be promoted to outer-sect disciples."

"After becoming an outer sect disciple, you will be able to obtain higher quality cultivation resources in the sect. The library and other sect buildings will also unlock the higher level restrictions for you

"You can experience the many conveniences on your own."


As the sound of his voice faded, a storage ring suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Huohuo and the other top three disciples and fell into their hands.

Inside was the reward for the trial!

The three of them knelt down on one knee in the direction of Dragon Head Peak and bowed.

"Thank you for the reward, sect leader!"

After they collected themselves, everyone congratulated each other and also got to know junior brother, Tuoba who had entered the sect less than a month ago and stood out among more than a thousand people.

He was a male cultivator with dual wind and fire spirit roots. However, his cultivation of the Mid Core Formation Realm was not the highest among all the disciples.

However, when he broke through to the next realm, among the rewards given by Dao Qing Tai, he obtained a pretty good abhijna.

That was also the reason why he was able to kill nearly ten demonic beasts in the Mid Core Formation Realm alone.

After exchanging pleasantries, Xiao Huohuo sent the reward of the first place to Gong Lingyun.

"Senior sister, I promised to give it to you before."

"I can't accept it." Gong Lingyun shook her head. "This is what you obtained based on your strength. If I take it, what will the other junior brothers think of me?"

"This..." Xiao Huohuo immediately felt a little awkward.

That's right. If this kind of precious thing was given to Gong Lingyun, other disciples would definitely think that they admired each other.

"It's because of junior brother's thoughtlessness. Senior sister, please forgive me, but this qi method... I won't be able to use it..."

Xiao Huohuo was in a dilemma.

"If it doesn't work, then donate it back to the sect in exchange for contribution points."

Gong Lingyun's expression was firm. "Right now, it shouldn't be a problem for me to enter a mine of the same depth as you. It Won't take long for me to earn fifty million contribution points."

Xiao Huohuo hesitated for a moment. Actually, he really wanted to repay Gong Lingyun.

Tuoba Changge laughed and spoke to ease the atmosphere. "If not, how could senior brother Xiao be the eldest senior brother? He even gave away a Heaven Rank cultivation technique worth tens of millions of contribution points. Such boldness makes me, Changge ashamed," he praised.

"Not at all," Xiao Huohuo said modestly.

"When I first entered the sect, it was Senior Sister who helped me. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"So senior brother is so loyal. This is rare in the immortal cultivation world."

Tuoba Changge thought for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He suggested, "Senior sister, why don't you exchange the Earth Rank cultivation technique with senior brother? In this way, it can only be said that they have a deep friendship with each other. They don't care about this loss, so they can avoid the criticism of others."

"That seems feasible!"

Xiao Huohuo felt that this was a solution, so he could not help but look at Gong Lingyun, asking for her opinion. "Senior sister, what do you think?"

"This... Will you be at a disadvantage, junior brother?"

"Not at a disadvantage! I'm lacking cultivation method methods, and senior sister just happens to not have a suitable cultivation method, so we'll take what we need."

"If that's the case, then... Thank you." Gong Lingyun knew that she had taken advantage of him.

Xiao Huohuo smiled indifferently. "There's no need to be so calculative between fellow disciples."


After exchanging the rewards, Xiao Huohuo began to carry out his responsibilities as the sect's eldest senior brother, leading all the junior brothers and sisters in the top 100 to be promoted.

Together with himself, they became outer sect disciples.

It was worth mentioning that everyone spent the same amount of contribution points, costing 100,000 points.

Everyone was one of the best among the 1,000 disciples, so it wasn't like they couldn't hand it over even if they gritted their teeth.

Next, they would move to a new place and divide the rooms.

Just that alone took nearly half a day.

They had yet to complete the daily mission of digging the mines in the sect.

In the end, when they arrived at the mine where the outer disciples were supposed to go, they only discovered it after digging for an hour.

The probability of producing high-quality spirit stones here was much higher than that of the mine of the part-time disciples!

The profit from earning contribution here directly doubled.

For a time, everyone was overjoyed. Even Xiao Huohuo stopped cultivating and began to take the lead in mining.

Other than handling the matters of new disciples entering the sect every day, they were also continuously mining.

This mining lasted for a month.

The Grand Mystery Sect had entered a period of rapid development.

Ran Xuan had also picked out ten disciples with good aptitude in alchemy. Due to her personal preferences, these people were all women.

Perhaps this was also a habit of hers in the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace, not keeping any men by her side.

The strength of all the disciples was increasing rapidly.

Most of the outer sect disciples who were promoted had cultivated to the early stage of the Core Formation Realm.

It did not seem like much, but in fact, it was already very rare to break through two small realms in a short month.

If it had been elsewhere, it would be impossible for it to not take two or three years.

However, that had become a common practice in the Grand Mystery Sect. It could not help but make all the miscellaneous chores disciples feel surprised and work even harder to strengthen themselves.

The goal was to be able to stand out in the next round of the Mystic Realm Trial.

Unfortunately, no one outside knew about it. Otherwise, all of the loose cultivators in the whole east continent would have to fight their way into the Grand Mystery Sect.

Even being a part-time disciple would be better than training outside.


Dragon Head Peak, in the leader's training room.

Ye Chen woke up from his training, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes.

Unknowingly, he had already broken through to the peak of the Transformation Realm. He was just one step away from reaching the Infant Realm.

However, he felt that he was always missing something and that he could not ascend further.

It was not a bottleneck, but more like he was missing an opportunity.

After thinking about it and comparing it with the experience recorded in the ancient books in the sect, he finally understood the reason.

It turned out that the Nascent Soul Realm was completely different from the Transformation Realm.

For cultivators, it was a small qualitative change.

Breaking through at this stage was not as simple as accumulating spiritual energy to a certain extent.

In the Transformation Realm, one needed to use their purest spirit qi to draw out their primordial spirit.

This process was called the Nascent Soul Realm.

Only after completing this primordial spirit body would one naturally be able to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

On the other hand, no matter how deep one's spirit qi was, even if it was ten or twenty times more powerful than someone else of the same realm, they would still be unable to break through.

After figuring out the reason, Ye Chen was relieved.

As long as it was not a difficult bottleneck, it would be fine.

During this period, he had been so focused on training that he had forgotten to check on his strategy. Now, he had accidentally run into something like this.

However, it did not matter. He would just have to pay attention next time. Right then, the Grand Mystery Sect was very peaceful.

Ye Chen thought for a moment. Today seemed to be the second day that the evil demon cave was open.

"Let's go and take a look."

It was time to take a look at the situation inside the door.