Ran Xuan's Really Angry. Ye Chen’s Trick, the Reincarnation Elixir, Is to Make Up for It

Was he speaking the human language?

Was that something a man could say?

Ran Xuan was no longer focused on whether she was angry or not.

She realized that there was nothing that was out of her expectations. There was nothing that Ye Chen, that b*stard could not do!

A beautiful woman like her had agreed to his request, no matter how outrageous it was. Did he know how much courage she had to put in?

Yet, in the end, it all just came to that?

He was just ordering people around?

And for nothing?

Ran Xuan suddenly realized that she could no longer get angry. She smiled and nodded lightly.

"All right."

"You agreed so readily?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Ran Xuan nodded again.

"Think of the materials yourself?" Ye Chen confirmed again.

"No problem."

Ran Xuan nodded calmly as usual.

This time, Ye Chen suddenly felt like he had gone overboard.

As the saying went, extremes measures led to the opposite.

The reason why he had always been so unintentionally angry at Ran Xuan was because of the cold attitude she had when they first met. It made him unhappy.

The stereotype had been created, which made Ye Chen want to get rid of his dissatisfaction. The original solution was to anger her and bully her.

However, it was obvious that he had gone too far this time.

Ran Xuan's attitude made Ye Chen feel a bit guilty.

He could not help but reflect on himself. Did he not care too much about the occasion, regardless of time, regardless of Ran Xuan's feelings, and act willfully?

That seemed to be the case...

But, he had still made a mistake!

It was impossible to admit one's mistake. It was impossible to admit one's mistake for the rest of his life.

However, he still had to get through this obstacle in front of him. He had to smooth out the unfairness Ran Xuan felt in her heart.

Thus, he chuckled. "I'm just joking. How could I bear to make you work so hard?"

Ran Xuan only looked at him indifferently, not moved by his words at all.

"You don't believe me?"

In order to prove his point, Ye Chen flipped through the system page for a while before he finally took out a small green jade bottle.

The bottle's exterior was carved with extremely exquisite carvings, and its material was not ordinary either. It was obviously not a run-of-the-mill object

At the same time, a unique fragrance spread out from the mouth of the bottle, instantly attracting Ran Xuan's attention.

"Here, this for you." Ye Chen handed it over.

Seeing Ye Chen's genuine expression, Ran Xuan lowered her guard slightly. Taking the bottle, she opened it and took a whiff.

She could not smell it...

"What is this?" she asked doubtfully.

There were some medicines in the world that she could not recognize. However, there were not many left, so it must be very precious.

Since he was willing to speak, it meant that his attack had made progress.

Ye Chen knew that he was already halfway to success, so he casually said, "Reincarnation Elixir."

"Reincarnation Elixir?"

Ran Xuan still did not understand, but soon, she seemed to have thought of something and could not help but exclaim, "A Reincarnation Elixir that can allow one to obtain all the inheritances from one's previous life?"

"That's right."

Ye Chen smiled. "Didn't you forget a lot of things? Plus, your cultivation has been stuck for a long time. Is it because of your incomplete mental cultivation?

"With this, you can return to the peak of the Body Departure Realm."

Hearing him, Ran Xuan's heart was filled with extremely complicated emotions.

"Such a precious thing, how did you—"

"I was planning to give it to you. It's just that you hadn't returned yet at that time. Then I started my closed-door cultivation, so I forgot about it for a while," Ye Chen interrupted her.

"I was just joking with you earlier. After you take the elixir, you might run away. Why would you still give me the pill?"

"You know that I might run away, so why are you giving me this elixir?" Ran Xuan's tone had a hint of gentleness as well. She took the initiative to meet Ye Chen's eyes.

If it were not for the fact that he wanted to make up for his mistake and buy people's hearts, who would give it to her!

Would it not be nice to keep it for himself!

Ye Chen's heart was bleeding. A treasure like the Reincarnation Elixir was no different from being reborn without any damage.

However, on the surface, he still looked like he did not care about it at all.

"The birds are getting bigger, and their wings are getting stronger. They will have to fly eventually. How can the cage hold them?"

Ran Xuan glared at him. "Are you saying that I am your pet canary?"


Ye Chen was confused. This was the first time he had seen Ran Xuan act like a little girl.

F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck...

Had she really fallen for him?

No way! No way?

Looking at Ye Chen's dazed look, Ran Xuan's face turned red. She then realized that she had just made an extremely intimate joke.

She coughed lightly and put away the Reincarnation Elixir. With her hands behind her back, she deliberately looked away and kicked a piece of rock, which was a centimeter square, back and forth. She pretended as if she did not care.

"Then... I will take it. Don't worry, since I am already an elder of the Grand Mystery Sect, I will not run away."

She bit her lip and said, "Plus, I still owe you a contribution for the Soul-Retaining Jade Pendant. I, Fairy Ran, have always kept my promise. I will not leave until I pay back this debt."

As she said that, there was a bit of playfulness in her voice.

Perhaps even she herself did not realize it.

At that point, Ye Chen knew that Ran Xuan had truly returned to him.

She had truly become a member of the Grand Mystery Sect.

After she consumed the Reincarnation Elixir, the sect would have an additional Peak Body Departure Realm expert!

Perhaps, Ran Xuan would not reach that level so soon.

However, even if she recovered one percent of her strength, it would be enough to intimidate most of the sects in the eastern continent.

By then, the Grand Mystery Sect would not encounter too many obstacles.

Thus, Ye Chen patted his chest with a look of relief.

"Then I can rest assured."

"Rest assured about what?" Ran Xuan was a bit curious.

"Rest assured that I won't be chased and beaten by a demoness in the future."

"Demoness? Who is it?"

Ye Chen stared at her with a smile.

Ran Xuan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she raised her hand toward Ye Chen.

"Wow! You dare to call me a demoness? Fine! I'll beat you to death right now!"

Ye Chen shrunk the ground into an inch and disappeared from where he stood.

Ran Xuan was so angry that she stomped her feet repeatedly. However, her coquettishness was greater than her anger.

Xiao Huohuo, who was not far away, was already numb.

Watching the two go from "sweet love" to "broken relationship" to "reconciliation" to "flirting", it felt as if two centuries had passed.

Fortunately, everything was over.

Xiao Huohuo felt a little pained and resentful. He felt a little bad that his elder had been taken advantage of by the sect leader.

Gong Lingyun, on the other hand, felt that the two of them were very sweet. She was happy deep down, but there was also a hint of envy in her heart.


Only then did Ran Xuan notice that there were still two disciples by her side. She suppressed the shyness in her heart and pretended to be calm as she said, "You two stay here. I'll go back and take the pills."

"Yes, we'll send Elder Ran off respectfully."

The two of them did not dare to bring up the previous matter.

Ran Xuan returned to Pill Cauldron Peak, where she lived. The disciples who were learning alchemy bowed one after another.

"Elder, are you going into seclusion?" asked one of the disciples.

Ran Xuan nodded slightly and instructed, "This seclusion is very important. If there's anything you don't understand, you can go and read the pill book that I've place on the table. Most of the questions and answers are recorded there. Don't come and interrupt me. I won't see anyone for the time being."


Ran Xuan then closed the door to the cultivation room.


She opened the door again and instructed, "If the sect leader comes looking for you, just... just Ring the bell next to my door."

Klack. The door closed again.

The disciples, who were stunned, looked at each other as they were left behind.