An Yi

Xing Jiuan did not go over to look for Ji Shu.

She put on her cap just as Ji Shu walked over. Xing Jiuan brushed past her.

Just as they passed each other by, Ji Shu suddenly stopped and looked back.

"What's wrong?" the person beside Ji Shu asked.

Ji Shu's facial features were bright and beautiful. But right now, they looked a little confused.

"That person gives me a very familiar feeling."

"You always find them familiar when you see someone good-looking," the person beside her grumbled. "Do you want to go over and ask?"

"There's no need. Let's go."

Xing Jiuan had already walked out. Her black clothes made her blend perfectly into the night.

Xing Jiuan had not expected to suddenly receive a call. She had already called Mu Qing, so it couldn't be him.

When she saw the caller ID, it was very unfamiliar. It was not someone she knew.